Tradurre   12 anni fa

Feeling empty and hollow.. You try to be good and supportive.. It just feels like people take more than you give them, so if you are tolerant towards a situation they tend to stretch it out as much they can.. But where is it that you draw the line? How do you draw the line? Why is easier for others to distance themselves? I think it's because I tend to care more than others.... The feeling of being lonely is just awful... The feeling of having a nice friend would make up for the hollow I feel.. Or so I think at the moment.. I'm just a ball of nerves, I feel that I want to explode, scream at the top of my lungs, cry till I can cry no more... The feeling of having no one to talk to talk, no one to understand, no one to make you feel better is just normality for me... Why is it just me that wants others to feel ok whereas when it comes to me they couldn't care less because they are so self absorbed.... Ever felt like walking away from it all.. Because I do, everyday.... I would love to see what they would do if I walked away.. But then again I don't think they would mind.. Promises of change and change but never any change..don't that make you feel special.. That means that person is not worried about loosing u at all.. I am so disappointed .. I wonder how he would feel if he was not the only one anymore... Fuck all this..time to move on because what if I don't get to see tomorrow what if soon will be the end... Need to make the best of the time I spend.. Need to live like I don't plan to wake up... Need to make a list because I only have one #life which I will never see again and I want to be able to say I want to do it all again if I went back... Time to live it one more time!!!!! This song is so inspirational I really need it right now...

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