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Michelle POV: Michelle's point of view: I stood in the field opposite of the one in which I had taken Daniels #life away. I always felt guilty and a little bit sorrowful whenever I drained the years away from people. It was the only human feeling I had left, apart from the powerful replenished feeling that overwhelmed me when their years were sucked into my 'heart'. The feeling would pass soon, and I would have to move away in a few years, I had grown to get used to this, it was almost normal for me, well as normal as I could get. I had no sympathy for anybody I had drained, they were all foolish idiots. Apart from Daniel, he was different from all the others, he actually listened whenever I spoke to him, even though every word I said to him was a complete and utter lie. He genuinely seemed interested in me and I didn't have to do much to pull him in. I suppose it did teach him a lesson. All the other people I had drained were worthless, I remember having to listen to them droning on, pointless story after story. Those were the ones that I usually went for, the ones that society wouldn't need and definitely wouldn't miss. I watched Daniel for a while before I approached him. He lived in a cottage away from the city with practically no friends and barely any family. He was the perfect victim. Nobody would even notice that he was missing. When I turned up at his door with his wallet he looked surprised, as if he knew that he never left the house that evening with it. Although what guy would question a pretty girl and not invite her in? I had learnt not to trust people the hard way. When I was created, modified even I didn't think I could do it, drain people's lives so that I could continue to live. That was until I saw the world from another point of view. Instead if seeing all the wonderful people who made such a great impact on the world, I began to see the ones that didn't. The people who stopped our economy from thriving. Those who dropped out of school to become nothing and polluted our environment. I was doing the world a favour by picking off the low lives. I could take as many #lifetimes from people as I wanted to, I was designed that way. Designed to rid the world of idiots, it was merely an advantage on my half that I could take their years and use them as my own. However every once in a while, I got bored of the same people, I needed somebody different, and Daniel was perfect. He wasn't a bad person, just a bit of a loner that wouldn't mount to anything, society didn't need him. He was interesting, but in a way that once you knew him you would get bored of him pretty easily. He was simple too, I admired his independence but took it to its test when I introduced myself, of which he failed and trusted me so I took his #lifetime away. It made no difference to anything with Daniel to die in the next few months. The scenery of the fields and Daniels cottage was beautiful, I had always had an eye for the world, wanting to travel everywhere and see everything. This had always been my dream and I could do it without a time limit. I was travelling when this whole thing started back in 1512. I remember riding horseback through a small unfamiliar town when I was only 20 years old. I was stopped by a man who looked completely normal, he told me that I couldn't ride my horse through there and the long way around would be too dangerous because it was getting quite late into the night. He offered to let me stay the night free of charge because he had a spare room. During this time having a place to stay for the night free of charge was like winning the lottery. I couldn't pass up the offer and he seemed nice. He introduced himself as Mr Granger and told me that he worked at a watch repair shop. This was completely normal and the guy obviously had a lot of money because watches had just been invented and everybody wanted one. I left my horse in the local stable and proceeded to the spare room. Mr Granger told me that the spare room was in the basement. This is when I began to keep my wits about me. I knew I was attractive and young, I wasn't foolish though. If Mr Granger would of tried anything I could defend myself easily. I grew up in a rough area and had been in my fair share of fights. The basement was very dark and there was a room opposite with a door which looked like it was locked, there was a quiet grinding sound which seemed like a low humming noise. Mr Granger told me it was just his watch repairing machine and left me there and didn't bother me at all which confused me. I was tired from travelling and was grateful for a reasonably comfortable bed so I fell asleep pretty fast. That was when things went to hell, I awoke in a dark room similar to the one I had fallen asleep in. Apart from the grinding industrial noise was a lot louder. I remembering trying to move but having my arms and legs trapped. I had to of been tied down. The room was pitch black apart from a glow coming from a lamp which was aimed over my stomach. In which I saw Mr Granger sharpening a tool that I had never seen in my #life. ' This won't take much longer, you won't feel a thing' he said to me. His tone of voice was the same as when he had introduced himself, like the average mans. He wasn't trying to scare me, just being honest. The lamp dingily lit up my chest, I had a box inside of my chest that was filled with cogs smoothly running. Before I could take a closer look Mr Granger screwed on a door securely to the box and closed it tightly. I remember feeling nothing, no emotions towards what I had just become. He had removed my heart so that I could live forever. Mr Granger then untied me and helped me up. He told me what he had done, what I had become. I remember sitting there and listening to it all, I was intrigued. You'd think I would be terrified, but I was happy. According to Mr Granger I had all the time in the world to travel as far as I wanted. He told me how I was only 'an experiment' and how he didn't think I would be successful. But there I was, the first clockwork woman. My excitement fell when Mr Granger told me about the price I had to pay, to take people's own lives so that I could live. I was fuming with anger and tears, I was gifted with the amazing opportunity to see everything but I had to practically kill people! He continued to tell me that I wouldn't have to think about it, when the time was right it would just happen. I had never been as angry as I was back then in my entire #lifetime. I couldn't stand the price I had to pay. Mr Granger had turned me into a monster. I didn't even need to think about it, just like he said. I just let my arms expand and grabbed him. He was my first victim. And needless to say, I thoroughly enjoyed it. He deserved what he got, I had justice, without having to feel a single emotion. There are still many things that I don't know about myself yet, but I'll find out in the future. Without the help of Mr Granger. Obviously I never went back to that town, I never even took my horse with me when I left. It's the only place I'll never travel to in my many #lifetimes. However I looked forwards to seeing some change in the world, I could live for as long as I wanted, it was anybody's dream to see the world evolve and grow. But with that opportunity came the curse of having to take other people's years. But I wouldn't give it up, only for the world of course.

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