Translate   12 years ago

Deploy -Chapter 1- Milo, an average man, eight-teen years of age, has received a letter from the TTA, Terrorist Tracker Association. For a moment, he thought they were pulling his leg, but soon after, realized they weren't. The number he was to call on the letter was in the Green Pages phone book. 'Call Cynthia Meyers at 296-4620.' There was no area code, so he figured it would be reasonable to call it plainly. The phone on the other end rang, and rang, and rang. Then a man's voice finally said, "TTA, if you are a select few, enter in your given code." Then, a static came. Milo looked below the given number and there was a three digit code. "Please dial code." The voice spat again. Milo dialed each number and found the ringing noise on the other end again. "Cynthia Meyers." A woman's voice rang loud and clear. "Yes, I received a letter." Was all Milo said. He was biting his lip anxiously. The woman chuckled. "You must be Milo Eberhart." "Yes ms." "I've been waiting for you to call!" The woman sounded cheery and spirited. "You will be visited tomorrow by My good friend Geofry." "Who's Geofry, Ms? "He will tell you why you reviewed the letter, of course! And what it's about too." After ten minutes of brief talk, the two hung up. The questions loomed in Milo's head. Why had he been chosen? What was this letter really supposed to tell him? For the next few hours he read the letter over and over. His thoughts remained blank. He did not know what to do. He soon found himself getting into bed. Soon, Milo was awoken by a knock at his apartment door. He jumped up and pulled some pants on before answering. "Hello Mr. Eberhart." A man said. He was dressed professionally and he was an older man. "Uh, are you Geofry?" "Why yes I am. Please address me as Mr. Anderson." He was stern and was very proper. "May I come in?"

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