Traducciones   11 años

Do You? Bite the night and bid it go, Lay the corpses, row on row, Of our love lost long ago, And gone forever we'll never know. Take me by the hand and go, Feel the rush of my blood flow, As I blush under the tree we know, How I adore you in all my woe. Stop. I can't love you anymore. I can't break my heart again. Stay here. With me. Or go and leave me be. I can't comprehend, We can't pretend, It'll never be the same again. It's a torture almost, A spiralling flurry of confusion, Wondering, trying to work out how I feel about you. And then you do something stupid. To hurt me. To change me. Why? Do we die? Love? Live? What does it achieve? What the hell to we conceive? Do you really believe in me?

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