Translate   11 years ago

My Story I'm not sure where to start. But I'll just start with introducing myself. My name is Lyric. Lyric Ario Namal. I started high school at age fourteen. My parents thought that I was so smart so I skipped some grades. But they thought wrong. I have dyslexia. I have some trouble learning and I've been kept in high school. What logic. And I've been bullied about it to. There is this one girl. That one girls name is Lavender Anne Canly. She was my best friend since second grade. But year after year, she has changed. And year after year, she's been talking behind my back and thinking that others were more important than me, especially when I needed her the most. And so I've kept my cool. Year after year, I haven't minded it. Until the day when my #life was changed. It was at my boyfriends house. I had a feeling that he has been cheating on me with someone I wasn't a big fan of. He kept on telling me that everything was cool but I didn't believe him. So I followed him when he decided to sneak off. And when we got to the destination, I hid. He was waiting for someone. But it wasn't me. Suddenly Lavender came and started to talk to him. "Maybe you should just ditch that strange Lyric. She looks like a vampire, and she dresses in all black, and she looks depressed and emo. Maybe we should start treating her like what she is-junk." And he kissed her. It was heartfelt. Nothing he felt with me. I turned away, wanting to go home right at that moment. When I got home, I started throwing things around. I was so angry, upset, and...confused. I suddenly gave up and collapsed on my bed, and let it all out. I told myself I wasn't worth it anymore. But I couldn't change myself. And I didn't want to. My boyfriend was the one who needed to change. He needed to dump Lavender and notice her for what she really was. Is that what I really was-junk, worthless, a freak? I wasn't sure. But the first point for my defense, my mother was albino. So I had a right to look like a partial vampire. I walked into English class with two black eyes. Zeke's buddies had fun with my face this morning. I sat down, and noticed that something was different. Everyone was staring at me. That was strange. Nobody even acknowledged that I was there. No matter why the situation was. I suddenly heard a low hissing on my shoulder. Oh! I almost forgot about my pet rat, Melody. She was hissing at the boy by my side. He was staring at me. His eyes weren't blue, green, brown, or whatever color of eyes you've seen. They were pitch black irises, with white pupils. I heard screaming, and I couldn't realize whose until I noticed the look everyone was giving me. The screaming was mine. I shut my mouth, then booked it out off there. Melody was facing in back of me, hissing the whole time. It was then that I noticed the footsteps behind me. I didn't stop until I got outside. Once outside, I tumbled to the ground. I laid down on my back, and the boy was looking down at me. I screamed-well, tried to at least. No sound came out. I shut my mouth again. The boy was shaking his head, laughing with hysterics. Then his eyes turned this butterscotch-sapphire color, with black pupils. "Sorry about that. I-we-need you. Now." He helped me up, and held my waist so that I couldn't get away. Right now Melody wasn't hissing so badly. But he was still hissing. "Shut up," I managed, and she stopped hissing. He chuckled, and said, "Your rat doesn't like me much." "You think dumbbell?" "Name calling isn't nice." He accused I rolled my eyes "Whatever." •This is the beginning of a story I'm writing. Please let me know what you think of it :3•

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