Translate   12 years ago

Challenge Hello, been a long while since I've logged on for a couple of reasons. Unfortunately, I'm just here to say that I'll probably be back after a long while probably a year, because right now, I have a whole lot of examinations that I really need to pass with good grades. I'm not going to deactivate because I may restart using this again. So basically, I sat thinking today that if today was my last day on opuss what would I do? At first, I thought that would probably post a lot of #poems, spend the whole day on opuss reading other's #poems and stuff like that but then I remembered that I have never hosted a challenge. I should very much like to have you guys take a part in the challenge. Because its my first and probably last challenge, I spent some time thinking over the title, and so I ended up with metamorphosis. Yes, I want you all to write a poetry about metamorphosis with around 32 lines. The deadline tommorow, which is Friday, 9 pm. And, love you all!!!

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