Traducciones   12 años

Asylum For Lost Minds I'm running down a narrow road, framed with ugly dead trees and weeds. No sounds can be heard by any human ears aside from the thump of my feet hitting the mucky ground beneath me and my rapid breath. As I stop suddenly, aware I was running into nothingness, I slowly turned around to sort out my thoughts. There was a large, unfriendly building about 100 metres in front of me. My throat was dry as I gasped, wondering if I had come out of this grey building. All around me it was cloudy and dark, to my sides, all I could see was the ugly dead plants threatening to surround me and let me starve to death. The house seemed to be getting closer. I was aware now that my feet were taking me there, I shuddered, even with the humid heat all around me, I was deathly cold. I walked up the path to the suspicious looking porch. Above it, were the words, "Asylum for Lost Minds." Jaggedly engraved into a stone plaque. Before I could start running from whatever was inside the building, the door opened, I hesitated but something about the colours inside lured me in. I walked up the steps to the door, I could hear voices a few paces away from me, discussing what they should do about the missing patient, I couldn't see anyone though. The room was bright and clean. A secretaries desk was placed in the middle of the small room, with corridors on either side. There was a notice board behind the desk, filled with bright drawings that looked like children's work. I felt a slight tap on my shoulder. A woman in a pink apron and pale blue dress was standing behind me, smiling politely, I would've smiled back if it wasn't for the face paint that decorated her face, like a clowns, she had black diamond shapes on her eyelids and a wide red curve on her lips. What was even more disturbing was the sense of familiarity. "Welcome home!" She beamed.

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