Translate   12 years ago

Have you noticed? I don't really say 'I Love You' anymore these days. I don't wanna lie to my feelings. It is getting weaker. And it seems like you're doing nothing to change that. I may look like I'm laughing and talking like nothing matter, but I really don't feel it anymore. I don't feel the joy of reading your messages, calling you 'sayang', listening to your voice, and all those things I used to cherish so much back in the days. I think I just got tired of expecting those things to happen again--you making me fall in love with you again. If you don't hurry, I might really lose them all. That's why I told you I'm afraid of long distance relationships. I can't really get my feelings straight. Help me get my feelings back on track. Help me make myself say 'I Love You' again. But then again, I'm not even sure you're reading these craps anymore.

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