Translate   11 years ago

I Don't Know I don't know who I am anymore. I don't know what I want anymore. So many times I've said I've lost myself, but this is really it. I'm stuck. Everything's changed; I've changed. Nothing makes sense, one day this, one day that. I'm not capable of making decisions anymore. Of separating dreams from reality; reality from wants; wants from needs. I just don't know. I don't know what scares me or what makes me happy anymore. What am I running from. I have exactly what everyone wants, hopes and wishes for. Why can't I see that. I'm unappreciative. Selfish. Indecisive. What's holding me back. What happened to who I use to be. That girl that wanted to change the world. Make a difference. Impacts people's lives so that one day I could be remembered. Why can't I find my way back. Or at least adapt to whom I am now. What am holding onto, why can't I let go. I don't know.

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