Chasing The Siren Affection ~ chapter six ~ ~Grey POV~ We all was walking outside to a tour bus i walk over to Jhene to start a conversation but to be rejected by her head phones and her walking away on the tour bus with others aint this bullshit well try a again later grey ....... --------------------------------------------------------------------four hours later------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and being rejected------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~jhene POV~ I cant believe this he was trying to flirt with me i thought and saw a dance studio nobody was in there so i went inside close the door walked up to the stereo and plugged in my Ipod and put on lady gaga just dance remix and walked in the center of the dance floor and started to dancing and getting my zone when the song ended the whole record label people and grey was there watching and clapping at me Какого черта ты здесь (why the hell are you in here) I asked looking at them kinda pissed off and picking up my stuff почему, потому что Jhene мы слышим музыку, и увидел тебя танцевать, что партнер (why because jhene we hear music and saw you dancing to it okay) said Johnny walking next to me. but i just walked outside and went for a fresh air before going to the recording studio later hmmmmmmm what to do whoa maybe him ? Привет меня зовут Кристи и ваш (hey my name is Christa and yours) ~Grey POV~ wow jhene is a great dancer but who know she can speak Russian hmmm got to think on that one later on today i thought while walking outside to shift and go for a run but smelled jhene scent and fresh blood oh no not again well time to go look for jhene and the body now before something else happen next ...... !-(UNKNOWN POV)-! WE ARE GETTING CLOSE SIR VERY CLOSE . PRINCESS JHENE WE ARE COMING FOR YOU AND WE ARE CLOSER THAN YOU THINK HAVE FUN WITH WHATEVER YOU DOING NOW BECAUSE THAT WILL BE THE LAST YOU EVER DO WRONG.