Translate   12 years ago

Chasing The Siren Affection ~ CHAPTER THREE ~ Jhene POV In Russia id changed out my winter clothes into summer clothes because its hot really hot and pulled to a hotel . i hope my Russian accent is still fluent i walk in with a little sway to my hips to the main desk Привет и добро пожаловать в Ла драку самых finest Отель но как я могу вам помочь? ( hello and welcome to la fray the most finest hotel yet how may i help you ?) Да, вы можете одну комнату, пожалуйста (yes you may one room please ) i said nicely but he think its a purring sound because I've been told my voice is silk as milk chocolate but i think not . ладно красивый номер один это только для вас сахар падение (okay beautiful one room it is just for you sugar drop) okay as he handed me the keys to my room which also handed me his number too i think i might call him later up to my room for a little game . Later that night i was outside with a lighter with lighter fueled and blew up the place because somebody saw me or heard the kill go down so now no is left to survive . i headed to the strip club St. Lucifer's and did my thing .... Grey POV All i saw was smoke and screaming bodys with a trace of familiar scent of exotic spics and chocolate strawberries .............................. SHIT a serial killer

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