Translate   12 years ago

Broken hearted-40 BRI'S POV I'm ready. Tonight I have a fight. Harry left about four days ago so no one can get in the way. This ones supposed to be easy since I haven't fought in a while. Simple tactics. Punch left. Punch right. Dodge. Kick. Finish. Easy. Or so I thought. The guy I was fighting was probably 200 pounds and about 6'5. I'm like 120 5'5. I was probably going to lose this one. It'd only be my second lose in about four years. "Come on little girl lets see if you can fight?" The guy says. He stands in his starting position and I do the same. I immediately punch him in the jaw causing him to stumble back. As soon as he regains balance, I'm thrown to the ground from a kick to the side. I land on my arm weird sending pain through my body. I scream and clutch my wrist. "You can't get up I win." I bring myself up and steady myself against the wall. I kick him in the arm and punch his jaw again using my other hand. He shoves me into the wall and knees me in the stomach sending me to the cold concrete. I try to regain my breath but am kicked again in the side. The guy pins me down and punches my jaw. He takes my wrist, which is probably sprained, and starts twisting my arm. I scream for him to stop. I've lost. This is it. If I don't get back up and fight I'm done. I use all my strength to stand up and lean against the wall. My hand hangs loose by my side while my other is in a fist. I try to kick him but he grabs my foot and wipes me off my feet and onto the ground. All I can do is lay there. Lay on the concrete in pain while everyone clears the alleyway. I clutch my wrist with my hand and hope that someone will find me. "Bri! Love?" I hear someone shout. I turn to see Greg running down to me. How did he know I was here? "Bri? Are you alright?" He slowly helps me sit up and examines my bruises and cuts. "We need to get you to the hospital." "No. I'm fine," I try standing but soon fall into his arms. "Come on. Lets go." He picks me up and carries me to his car. "What happened?" "I can't tell you." I'm glad he came. I think I probably would have passed out in the alley. "Please just trust me." He sighs and pulls into the hospital. Carrying me into the building a nurse quickly puts us in a room. "Where's Harry?" "He's in LA for about two weeks." The doctor checks over me and then leaves to prepare an X-ray. Harry's POV I've been calling Bri all night each time being a voicemail. I try FaceTime and twitter and everything. Nothing. "Mate, calm down. She probably just lost her phone or something," Zayn says putting a hand on my shoulder. Last time Bri didn't answer her phone for awhile was when I found out she's a fighter. I don't want to find out something else. "You're probably right." "Get some sleep . She'll probably call in the morning." I nod and go to my room to sleep.

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