ROTG Love Story Like for me to cont. "Violet! Come on! Tell me what's wrong!" Jack flew behind me, I ignored his pleas and kept running. Why does my dad hate the Guardians. They actually like me. For weeks I went to the North Pole, Tooth's palace, The Warren. But if Jack or my dad found out now, I'll be in big trouble. "Violet! I'm serious. Tell me…" He lands in front of me,"please Violet." He cups my face with his hand."I… I can't." He gives me a look,"Yes you can, Violet…" I looked at him. His blue eyes staring into my grey ones. I like him, I really like him,"No. I really have to go…""Violet?" I stop, knowing that voice from anywhere. "Jack leave." He looks at me,"What? But he can't-" "Yes he can. He's…different." He looked at me confused,"Please Jack. Go." He shakes his head no, I couldn't protest. So I just ran again, away from my dad."Violet!" Jack once again followed, I then ran into my hideout, a big cave covered in snow and leaves. And of course, Jack flew right past me. I quietly sneak back toward my father. I now see him, arms crossed,"Sorry, it was a little kid." My father nodded, then grabbed my shoulder and smiled. He started to lead me home,"Nice to see you, dad." I sarcastically say, making him smile,"Of course…"he teased, kissing my forehead. I smile, happy to know he didn't see Jack or anything,"Time for you to go to bed." I moaned and he looks at me confused,"You are a horrible Boogieman. Putting your child to sleep at…" I glance at my watch,"9:15!" He smirked, happy to see me pissed off."Well, I want to respect your mother somewhat." I lower my gaze, it's been 5 yrs since mom died. He notices my solitude and cups my chin,"Violet? Are you alright?" Honestly, I wasn't ok. I've been keeping my relationship with the Guardians hidden for weeks, I've been growing more depressed because of the bullies at my school, being teased for having no mom, they kept telling me I'm useless, a pet, I'm worthless. All of the thoughts hurt my heart, but I smile anyway,"Yea, I guess I'm tired." He nodded as he lifted me onto his mare,"I thought so." And we ride off, heading home. Dark Blood.Cruel laughter.Mean faces.Horrid words.Frightening actions. I shot up, awake. Then I realized it was a nightmare. I knew dad didn't mean to, but… I cover my face with my hands, crying quietly into them. Since I was the closest person to dad, he couldn't sense my fears. The only one who knew was Nicos, a little fearling,my dad gave me when I was little. But there was Sandy, that every time I had a nightmare, which was every night, when I fell asleep again I had a dream. It could be his job, or does he actually pays attention to his dark, lonely niece. I lay my head down, ready for Sandman to help me through my worries. I awake with a sound of a crash."Dad!!" I quickly run out of my room to find him surrounded by glass,"Heh." He shrugs his shoulders. I roll my eyes and help him up, and started to sweep up the glass,"No experimenting near the glass." I reminded him, he crosses his arms and pouted,"Not fair." He glances at the clock and takes the broom,"Go get ready, the last day of school and then it's Christmas break." I let go and run off, getting ready. I was walking on the schools grounds during my 5th period when I heard the cruel voices again,"Well, isn't it poor, little, Violet. The hopeless one." I ignore the comment and there agreements, and continue to walk. "Where you goin?" Apparently they where closer than I thought, the leader, James, grabbed my bag and yanked me to the ground,"I said, where you goin?!" I still refuse to answer, I get up and I keep walking."Being brave? Impressive. But it's a bad idea…" I'm part way home, stumbling on my weight. I can't. I can't deal with them anymore. Blood soon seeps into my clothes and on my body. They got me good this time. My eye vision turns blurry because of tears and blood. I feel the gash on my head. It's pretty deep, I hope its not bad enough for stitches. I eventually fell onto the ground and laid there. I eventually start to sob, which soon turns into screams. I quickly felt a present of a person,"Violet?!Violet what happened to you?!" I soon felt my fathers hands search me, seeing if I was deadly injured,"I'm sorry…that I never told you…" I then black out. When I wake up, I'm on my bed, bandaged up. I see my dad next to me tears in his eyes,"Dad. I'm sorry." His head slowly looked up, face stained with tears,"Why didn't you tell me? I could've prevent this…." His stare looks upon my damaged body, eyes forming tears again."Dad. Please stop. I'm ok, I just… I just didn't want you to hurt anyone." He sadly nodded, placing his face in his hands again, and I feel completely horrid. After a few days, dad let me go outside again, learning that they were on Christmas vacation. I walk to the spot me and Jack usually meet, a thicket with a rock in the middle. I sit and wait, only to have Jack walking to me,"Hey. Where have you-Violet!" I turn to find him staring at my head, which was bandaged up,"James again." Jack sighed and sat next to me,"This time I told my dad." I quickly told him, before he could lecture me,"Good. Now, where to today?" I shrugged,"Well, probably not North's place. Tooth and Bunny are most likely helping him. And Sandy is still visiting with MiM." Jack nodded, thinking as well. "How 'bout Jamie?" I smiled, I liked Jamie and his friends,"Sure. Jamie it is. Oh, and sorry about a few days ago." Jack then looks at me, hands behind his back,"He can really see me?" I looked at him and nodded,"He's…different." Jack nodded, and grabbed my hand,"Ready?" I nodded, smiling. I love this part of the day. We waved goodbye to Jamie and his friends while walking back to the hideout,"We have the craziest adventures, huh." I smiled, brushing snow off of me from Jacks 'prank',"Yea. I love those kids…" Jack quickly frowned,"Jack are you ok?" He looked at me, worry in his eyes,"Violet. Will you always believe in me?" I stop and look at him, my mind starts to hurt,"Of course, Jack." He then grabbed my hand,"But they aren't." I slip my hand off out of his grasp,"Jack. Yea they may, but new ones will replace them." Jacks eyes grow sad,"I don't want any to stop believing." I nodded, agreeing to his statement,"But they have to grow up sometime in their lives, Jack." He grabbed my hand again and pulled me close to him,"Why do they have to grow up?" Jack places his head on my shoulder, quietly sobbing. I didn't know what feeling made me do what happened next completely, but I moved my arms around him, pulling him into a hug. He quickly adapted and moved his arms around my waist. My heart fluttered a little, and I blushed. Jack pulled back a little enough that we are inches apart from our lips touching,"Jack?" He quickly pecks my lips with his, making me blush and gasp. He looks at me, smiling. I stare into his blue eyes, and he tugs me closer, and I allow my lips to meet his. "Violet?" I stop, hearing my father. Jack hears him too, he quickly lets go of me and whispers,"See you later." I nodded, still blushing. He kisses my forehead and flies off.

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