Translate   12 years ago

Do You Think You Are Confused? I feel alone :-(, my fiancée is so busy these days with work whereas my family is even more busy. Even though I feel like spending time with him, when I get finally get to spend time, I tend to regret it because generally he's too stressed out and even if he doesn't notice he tends to take it out on me. This is the exact moment where I just want to walk away forever... I didn't even go to the gym these days because of the asthma getting in the way which is surely triggered by stress. I love drakes new song 'hold on'... It's so dreamy... It's so hard to trust as well because I know how girls are outside and men can be weak. I'm so confused about many things... I think I live in a constant state of confusion... Very funny but so sad when I stop and think about things... I'm so bored of all this, I'm trying to find alternatives but when it comes to hobbies or friends it's not like I haven't ventured in such situations and they tend to take advantage of me because I just can't say no :-( I am lacking attention, I think it's obvious.. When I talk about attention I don't mean it as an exhibitionist but just in terms of company. :-( I remember how it used to be with my fiancée, he couldn't even stop talking to me the whole day.. It felt so good.. He looked totally in love... Did I mention what a psycho his ex fiancée is? Lol... She needs to be sedated, just imagine she hacked into his email changed his blackberry ID password and with her phone she took over all his contacts. I truly think she's out of it. Maybe horse tranquillisers will do? :-D I'm not saying I don't have any stalkers but mine are so scared of my fiancée that they keep a low profile. He wanted me to keep calm about this BBM issue but it just gets me angry, if it had been the other way round he would have done something insane... All the crap I put up with you just have no idea :-( Why is it one rule for one? And another rule for the other one ? How is that fair? Ahhhhhhhhh!!! Ever felt like you just want to scream?

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