Translate   12 years ago

Wild Magick He knew it only took seconds but it could have been days. He felt like he was falling into the night sky until he suddenly hit the wall of agony. His body jerked, wanting to sever the tie to her, stop the pain, but he couldn't allow that. It was like being struck by lightning and drowning at the same time. He would save her. He knew he had no chance of living through this but he couldn't let her die. The bond they shared could only be severed by death. He was not going to allow it to be her death no matter how selfish that made him. He knew this war might be the end and he had been proved right. The nausea hit him hard and for a moment he lost concentration. His hands lost contact and the intense burning began. The wild magic would eat him from the inside out. He pushed his hands back to the skin of her chest to reconnect the flow. She was still unconscious, she would probably stay that way for days. He had never seen wild magic poisoning this serious but he had never met another Magick as strong as she was either. The stronger the Magick the stronger her bonds to nature. Her magick was so strong and pure some thought she was able to wrangle pure wild magick but he knew the truth. He had listened to the prophesies, he had spent his entire #life with her, he loved her more than #life itself. He knew the truth. He knew she had to live. He had to siphon off the wild magick before it did permanent damage. Her arms would be bruised for weeks if not months. She wouldn't be able to cast. She would want to die. He only cared about her #life, the rest could be dealt with. The pain was intense, he knew blacking out would happen soon. He felt her breathing get stronger, and through the pain he felt relief. The magick flowing into his body was wreaking havoc, fireworks were going off in his head, he felt the grass grow, the trees shed leaves, the magma flow beneath the skin of the land, lightning crash down from the heavens, fire glorifying in destruction, rivers weathering away rock, wind uprooting entire forests. Then suddenly he felt nothing. He knew this must be death. The wild magick had eaten him like it had so many before him. He only had one regret.

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