Translate   12 years ago

Blue Hollow Clan Chapter 3 Chris and Karliah were walking at the top of the Blue Hollow that sheltered the Clan. It was past noon and the sun was starting to set below the tree tops, it sent out rays of orange and pink. Turning the clouds red and magenta. They chatted about Clan #life and Karliah's training. She thought that Chris was annoying but cute and funny at the same time. She smiled and stopped while he was rambling on and on about fighting and his #life. She looked out onto the horizon, a vast ocean was before her the setting sun turned the water to look like blood. Karliah thought of Dawn and Josie, and how they were doing with their lives without her. Rage engulfed her as she thought about that stormy night but she sighed and looked down "you OK?" Chris asked putting his hand on her shoulder, she turned her head not looking at him "I'm just thinking about Dawn and Josie." She said looking out into the rolling waves. Chris stepped to stand next to her and said "the past doesn't define who you are, it just gives you he starting point of where you're going to be." Karliah looked at him, her green eyes filled with emotion " Chris....that is the most charismatic thing anyone has ever said to me." She said slightly choking up, clearing her throat softly she turned away to look at the sunset "well, we should....we should get going back" she said quickly. Chris rose an eyebrow but shrugged "sure, thats fine with me" he said and started to walk back to the hollow. Karliah paused smiling at him for a moment then jogged a little ways to catch up with him. (Sorry guys this took so long....i've been super busy. )

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