In Smoke It's been almost a month since I woke up. Can't remember anything before then. There's twenty of us in this room, barely enough room for us to stand in. By that I mean none of us had managed to move an inch in any direction. This is inhumane. The room has no windows, no doors, no lights, no nothing. To top it all off, every now and then the entire room shakes violently. We have no idea how we ended up in here, but we've got to get out somehow. Wait, something's happening... The room's shaking again... THE ROOF HAS OPENED UP!!! The light is blinding, but warm. So beautiful... WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!!! OH GOD! IT'S GOT GEORGE! SOME SORT OF GIANT, THREE-PRONGED, CRANE-LIKE THING HAS TAKEN GEORGE! I CAN'T GET OUT! DAMN IT!!! The roof closed down trapping the rest of us again. Some are saying "Poor George", wondering what that thing was and what it must have done to him... but it is us who have to wait in this hell hole, with no chance of escape and nothing to do but imagine all kinds of grizzly deaths that could be waiting for us. John claims that the crane actually had five claws, and that it was only using three of them to hold George, saying the other two must have been torture tools. Well I'm not gonna spend the last moments of my #life in fear and paranoia. I'm gonna try and get some sleep. As morbid as this may sound, at least without George here we have a little more leg room. ... How long have I been asleep? Apparently it's taken Robert as well... They are saying that the rumours about the extra prongs were in fact true... at least about their existence. No new information as to what awaits outside. I can only hope that I'm next. At least it would mean an end to my torment. It's happening again! The glorious light now causes my cellmates to recoil in fear, but not me. I want to be taken. There's the crane... come on.... YES! It's lifting me out! The crane is softer than I imagined... and warm. It's... It's no crane at all... It's some giant creature's arm... It's beauty is entrancing, I've never seen anything like it. Golden strands across it's face, hiding green eyes as deep as oceans, and those lips... those luscious crimson lips... It's kissing me... All my worries and fears are gone... Such beauty... My body's gone numb except for a burning passion slowly rising through my body. My mind is hazy... What a way to die... - Last thoughts of Paul the Cigarette