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The Girl With A Tiger Authors note- Heya! This is my first book! No hate please!!! Whale have fun! Chapter 1 It was a hot sunny day in flordia. It was 1997. A baby girl was born. She a had beautiful white hair,blue eyes, and a nice smiles. Little did the parents know that..this girl is a very special baby. She has powers like no other human could have. Her name is Emerald. One that day strange things happened. Thunderstorms and waves that were huge. It was a horrible day outside. When she was born, everything went silent. No waves. No rain. Just the sun beating down on you. She is now 3 years old. This is when everything horrible happened. Emeralds family was on a cruise. Emerald was crawling around the ship deck. Soon they stop at an island. They get off the boat and emerald crawled into the forest. The parents saw her and got on the boat. Leaving her stranded. Emerald came back out and found a box of stuff left for her. She grew up her whole #life on that island. With no family. No friends. She made friends with all the animals there. The monkeys taught her what to eat. The tiger taught her how to defend herself. She did not eat raw meat though. She would make a fire and cook it. Birds would help give her fruits from trees or fish from the ocean. 13 years went by. She is now 16 years old. " Hey! Bongo! I need some bananas!" The monkey grabbed her a banana and threw it to her. "Thanks buddy!" She climbed to her tree house she made when she was 10. She sat down the top looking at the view. She saw a ship coming her way. She got up quickly rang the big bell. All the animals went to there hiding spots. She stayed in her tree house. The ship came to shore. At least more then 20 guys came out. They all checked the island. "This is perfect build our factory!" One of them said. The leader walked out. " is. We just need to cut down all the trees and kill the animals." The tigers growled quietly when they said that. She gets down from her treehouse and walks towards them. "Hi." She raises her eyebrow. The guys all look at the girl with a white tanktop, short shorts, and beautiful white hair. "Umm hello! We are from the government. Do you live here?" One of the guys asked her. "Yea. I do. And your not tearing it down and killing my family!" She says meanly. "Hey...calm down. We can bring you back to land." One if the men said trying to calm her. "What about my family?! I can't leave them!" She says with a tiger,monkey, and a parrot behind her. The guys look at each other. "Bring them with?" The leader said. She looked at all of them. "Fine. But no taking them away or killing them." She says stubbornly. "Deal. But, then we get to tear this place down." He says a little bit scared.'"no! Never! I'll never let you!!" She yells. The guys pick her up and put her animals in cages and put them next to her on boat. "What's your name?" One of the guys ask. "Emerald...." She says annoyed. They starts driving back to land. When they get there they take her animals. "Let the tiger out. He hates cages. He won't hurt anyone." They let the tiger out. "Come on Niko." She said to the tiger. Niko walks next to her. They carry her animals to a foster home. She followed with her tiger by her side. Everyone stared at her with fear and shock in their eyes. She looked at everyone and everything around her. She walked into the foster care home. The foster care people stared. They talked to the men and then gave her a sedate room from the other girls and boys. She sat on the bed with Niko,Bongo, and Rain. Rain was flying around not knowing what to do. "Guys, what I'm a going to do?" She sighed. Niko nudged her and she petted him. Two ladies walk in with smiles. "Welcome to Crystals foster care. We are going to ask you a few questions." Emerald nodded. "Alright what's your name?" They asked. "It's emerald. I don't know my last name though." She said scared. "Alrighty..your birthday?" The asked nicely. "Um I think December 12th. That's when it rains..and it's the most beautiful you can see.." She smiles the workers look at each other. "Alright. Annd where were you born?" Emerald sighed "I don't know.." She looks down. "That's all! Thank you emerald. Please talk to whoever you want! Just keep your pets in your room please!" They smile and leave. She walks out to living room and sees all the kids. The all look at her. The guys stare and the girls give her mean looks. She waves shyly. A guy walks up to her. "Hey." He says very confidently. ""H-hi.." She says back nervous. "I'm Derek. Welcome to Crystals foster home." He says smiling.

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