The Child Of Darkness (Attention all ye who read, if you disapprove of strong language or somewhat gruesome images, this be not the place for you. Credit to the darkness series for the idea c My father always told me the same idiotic and virtually useless thing his psychotic and unhealthy mind could concieve. Everyday when I would come waddling into his room, he would always tell me, "Kid, there's us absolutely no successful way you will be able to outrun your fate. But you damn well better try." At that time, I was young. I was ignorant and feeble minded. My stature was as short as my attention span. But later on in #life I finally could understand. I comprehended every single chaotic action he ever created, or every incomprehensible, miscellaneous piece of "advice" that would ever be vocalized from his mouth. But, alas, I'm getting ahead of myself. Let me start from the beginning of my revelation. It all began on my twenty first birthday. I had never been attacked like I had been on that fateful day. Now, of course, being struck so violently can only lead to unconsciousness, so the interpretation of that part of this story is not necessarily clear. All I can say to you, is that I was attacked. I looked up from the white gaze in my vision. I could hear the driver speaking to me, but it was mainly in mumbles. My vision cleared, as well as my hearing. However, my throbbing headache still persisted to bang against the confines of my skull, like an imprisoned psychopath. "Hey! Aiden!" His shouting only made the psychopath inside my skull more aggrivated. it now felt as if he was Taking objects from his Cell and throwing them at the Confines of his imprisonment. I put one hand quickly against his lips, and placed a single finger over mine, hoping to portray my message. He silenced his voice just a bit, and stopped the car. He calmly exclaimed, "You're finally awake! Jesus man, I thought you were dead!" "I'm not carter," I sluggishly stated. "My entire body wishes it were though...what happened?" "We..uhm..." Carter slowly began to tremble and inaudibly curse under his breathe. Carter, being one of the only four people in this #life I fully trust, would never lie to me. He never lied to me once throughout my entire #life. Ever since that incident in the third grade, when I beat those ignorant and miserable assholes who would made fun of him daily for his differences, he's been with me for all these years. "Spit it. The fuck. Out Carter." I assertively proclaimed, staring into his eyes. He began to shiver more. "We didn't get the uh....the-" before he could finish his sentence, a bright light came speeding behind us and forcefully collided into the rear number of our car. Almost being forcefully ejected from the car, Carter hit the windshield and cracked it, falling halfway onto the dashboard unconscious. His legs dangled over the steering wheel, with a little trail of blood beginning to flow down from his back. I raised my head, which was about ready to burst at this point. I glanced at Carter with immediate fear. I raced over to his side of the car, and attempted to raise my right arm. But an extreme feeling of pain shot coursed through my entire arm. I looked down at it, only to notice the amount of blood that was flowing out of a breach in my skin, as well as a few other lacerations. The tear in my skin could only be caused by massive bone trauma. Basically, I broke my arm in the worst way imaginable. I lifted my left hand, which seemed nothing more than a little bruised to check his pulse. He still had a beating heart, thankfully. And then, out of nowhere. It called to me..."Aiden..." At first, I thought it was my mind playing tricks on me, being in so much pain from all the recent events. But now I's something much more sinister than that. I pulled Carter out of the wreck, ignoring the monotone and eerie voice that called to me, and laid him down on the side of the car that remained somewhat untouched. Two men in black suits came out behind me. "Aiden, Aiden Estacado?" They called out to me through the darkness of the night. I couldnt make out their faces due to their hats being so low. "Yeah. That's me, what the fuck do you want?" "We need you to come with us. Now." "Fuck you!" I exclaimed, "you crash into my friends car, and you almost killed us! Now you want me to go with you willingly! Fuck you assholes! We're you the ones Carter was so afraid of!?" Whatever had your friend frightened earlier is of no importance to us, nor did we create the predicament you two are, or were enthralled in. Now if you will kindly come with us, we will see to it that your friend receives the needed medical attention for this accident." I looked at them unbelievably and spat at the nearby road which they stood. "Fuck you, you lying sacks of shit." They looked at each other, and walked towards the back of their car, which looks as if it remained virtually untouched. This shocked me a bit, due to the fact they were speeding towards us. How could their car remain so pristine after such a crash? I thought this to myself as they were talking to someone in the back of the car. I could not hear what they were saying, but it looked as if they were handed something. They reached into the car and pulled them out slowly. What they had in their hands were two pistols, each with insignias engraved into the chrome handles I did not recognize. I fearfully cowered to Carter's unconscious body, and grabbed it as fast as I could. I held him over my left shoulder. Still struggling with my other arm, i had to use every ounce of strength i had yo lift him over my left one. thankfully, he did not weigh much. After becoming triumphant in lifting my short, and slim friend over my shoulder, I galloped into a sprint and ran for my #life. As I was running, I noticed a nearby thicket, containing many trees. With the darkness, combined with the bark of many trees, it will be impossible for the two thugs to notice me. I sprinted with an great amount of haste as I entered the unorganized gathering of thick trees that covered my escape. I heard the banging of gunshots echo through the wind, as well as the sound of bullets speeding into the bark of trees all around me. After awhile, the gunfire ceased, and I decided to lay my friend down near a small clearing. I looked at his wounds. The only serious one I could uncover was a shard of glass in his back. I pulled the blood stained glass from behind his shoulder, and soon after a greater amount of blood poured from the wound. I cover it as best I could, pleading my friend to awaken. Suddenly...I heard it again...he whispered to me in a more sinister tone, "Do not waste your efforts on this pitiful cattle! We don't care about these useless pieces of flesh!" I looked around, and screamed out, "Who the fuck are you!? Where are you hiding!?" "I am you Aiden, I've been inside you this whole time. And I will be with you, forever." I felt my head begin to ache, almost unbearably, my legs began to tremble. And I held my breathe as I tried not to scream in pain. I felt a coursing pain through my entire body, even my blood began to feel like it was boiling. The voice grew louder. Almost assertively stating his rambling nonsense. "But now aiden, you are mine!" I felt sharp pains in my back, I could hold in my screams no longer. It felt as if something had emerged from my back in multiple places. I could hear the two men alerting one another of the sound of my screaming. I felt something wrapping around my arm. It was too dark to see, but I felt it slither down both my arms, closing my hands shut. Unable to open them, I struggled to gain control of my body, as it wrapped around my legs. I could see two pairs of eyes on either side of my head, both with a sinister gaze, as they began to show their teeth, I could hear them growl. I began to stare in awe at what was happening to me. The voice of the sinister man began to chuckle as I lost control of my body. The sound of footsteps was heard behind me, hidden by trees. A voice called out, "flashlight! Now! He turned! Just like his father!" The light blinded me, but I saw a glance of what was entangled around me. Multiple tentacles covered my arms and legs, originating from my back. I looked down in fear, knowing of my coming demise. But I heard a growl, as I closed my eyes, and the light was flung out of the mystery man's hand. I heard gunshots, but none were aimed towards me, and the screams of two men, I heard loud roaring. My body was begin to be shaken around, as I heard the slashing of something sharp through skin, and someone being bitten. "Kill it! Just fucking kill it!" The struggle was unrelenting to the two men. I then heard one of them scream, but it was cut short from something, it sounded almost as of he was impaled. I closed my eyes harder, as I heard him gurgling out blood through his last breath. "Oh my god! Fuck this!" The other screamed. I heard the thud of his weapon and hastened footsteps. But I heard one of the tentacles behind me lash out, and come to a sudden halt. "No! Please god no!" I heard the man plea as I felt something sinking into my back. I heard the man overhead now, begging and pleading for his #life. Exclaiming he was forced to chase me. And before he could finish his pleas, I heard a loud slash, and a downpour of blood fall upon my head. The air grew silent, and all that could be heard was the wind, and the silent growls of the monstrosities on either side of me. I kept my eyes closed. I did not want to see what had been created inside of me, nor what it had done. I just pray that it did not take Carter's #life as well. The sinister voiced laughed loudly now, and he stated in a monotone and increasingly demonic voice, "Your #life, is now mine. Your soul will be consumed by darkness, your entire mind will reach insanity, you are my puppet. Through you, I will display my power." It laughed again, and under one last breath, it stated sarcastically, "happy birthday Aiden, open your eyes, it's time to blow out your candles." And that, well, that's the first part of this crazy story. Don't believe me yet? Don't worry, I wouldn't believe a monster either.

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