Translate   12 years ago

Why me??? (part 3) My world spins as i think about the question...AM i gonna DIE??!!! How do i survive out here?? Looking at the sky, the little parts i can see it seems like early morning. Walking i brush myself off and look for something to eat. I gulp as i see a birds nest, maybe eggs are up there. So i jump onto a brach. The nest itself like 10 feet off the ground. My body still hurts from last night but I'm starving. Luckily the mother us not around, so once i reach the nest i grasp the 2 smooth eggs. Then carefully make my way down doing everything in my power to NOT drop my food. My joy finally reaches my sore face as i feel my feet touch the ground. Quickly i walk away with my stomach hurting its so hungry. Critters of all kind shy away from me but stay close enough to watch me. Being careful not to scare my new company i get a stick and poke a hole in the first egg. Bringing it to my lips i suck out all the yolk. Doing the same with the other i place them on the ground. I need to wash. So i walk, trying to find some water. As if luck is my best friend right now i find i stream. So i head upstream, walking and sometimes stopping to drink or try to catch anything. Its about midday from the sun when i finally reach the start of the stream. A little water fall about 10 feet splashes into the little pool below. By guessing i say there is a cave behind it. Beautiful flowers bloom on rocks and trees, frogs croaking in the bushes. All around the little pond/pool is a clearing letting sun collide with the waves like 2 flavours of candy. Quickly i strip my clothes off and leave myself in my underwear. Running towards the pool i splash everything with in 4 feet of me. I quickly dive underwater swimming gracefully. Seems like I'm a good swimmer. My hair is naughty and i grab one of my socks, who need socks i the wild?! Using it i scrub away dirt, that reveals scars off all kinds, smooth, straight, jagged, crisscrossed, diagonal, and everything else. After my sock is completely black with dirt i dink my hair and try to clean it. Its hard with out anything TO clean it with.Anyways i brush it with my fingers, then out it in onto a braid. Using one of the elastics on my left wrist. While doing my hair i hum a song and keep a smile on my face. Then once I am clean i dive down. The deepest part of this pool is about 7 feet and around 5 feet there are good sized rocks. Grabbing rocks i swim back up, then to shore. Sitting in the water about waist deep. I bash the rocks together getting some of the dirt out. After a whole day at the pool i hear footsteps. Not a human, so i turn to see a Lynx. She has a rabbit in her mouth. Placing it down she backs off. Setting my clothes on a low branch i collect sticks, and dive for more rocks. Then i put the rocks in a circle and put the sticks up in closed cone shape. All of the sticks are together at the top, and i get the other sticks trying to set the alight. I try and by the time i get it its dark and i a really REALLY grateful its summer. Letting the fire crackle i walk away, ad slip on my clothes. Then the Lynx re-appears, she drops off another rabbit. So i cook them, first one for myself second for Ms. Lynx. She sits 10 feet away watching me. I watch her powerful muscles move as she eats, her coat is grey-ish almost brown..Well more like a hazel colour. After dinner i go up into a tree and Ms. Lynx lies underneath me, growling at other animals to leave. So maybe i can survive in this forest with my friend....

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