Reminisce Have you ever had a deep sense of nostalgia that suddenly felt like a tsunami wave crashing against the forefront of your cognisance? Those memories that unexpectedly sucker punch you. In reality, the weight of the punch feels like a train hitting your body at 200 mph. And in your imagination, it is several destructive tsunami waves, a bigger train, a volcano erupting, an earthquake of great magnitude and possibly the Apocalypse itself. The pain from, the memory, ripping open the old butterfly stitched wound is unbearable. It creates internal chaos. It is all you can think about, it requires all your attention. You cannot function. It dominates and overwhelms every aspect of your #life. It suffocates your spirit. The funny thing is though, after a while, you start to like the pain. Like peeling an old scab, you gather a sense of pleasure from reminiscing. Suddenly, the memory is comfortable, you grow accustomed to it. You realise the pain is a reminder to keep remembering. That you musn't forget. The pain, who was once a sworn enemy, is now a dear friend. A skeptical protagonist who now believes. An old love rekindled through young eyes. "They say 'time heals all wounds.' I do not agree. The wounds remain. In time, the mind, protecting its sanity, covers them with scar tissue and the pain lessens. But it is never gone.”
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