Into 2013 Nico _____________________________ As they walked through the forest the captain threw back his head and groaned, "Hey, hey! Where is the damn place anyhow?" The boy looked at him strangely and sighed replying, "Just wait, we'll be there soon." Her ginger hair swaying behind her, the girl asked Nico, "Hey, what's your name anyway?" He looked at her and huffed. "Well do you even step outside once and awhile?" She jolted back a bit in offense. "Excuse me?" "I said, 'ya don't even step out, yeah'?" "I do!" "Then ye' know m' name then!" Nico smirked and stared at the sun. The other boy walking along side spoke up. "We'll I'm Justin." "Like Justin Timberlake!" The girl chuckled, "Everybody calls him that!" Nico stared at her strangely, "Really? Why?" He sighed, looking down, "I sing like him." Allefin just burst out laughing. The girl raised a brow, "Why are you laughing?" Nico wiped his eye, "I dunno who the hell that is but if he sings in front of everyone...That's pathetic!" Justin shrugged and she placed a hand on her hip. "My name is Caroline, call me Carol." Nico smiled with his eyes closed. "Caroline...." He cooed. "Well what about you? Mr.Mohawk." Carol asked. "Me? Fine, Nico. Nico Allefin." They nodded. Justin stared at his hair, the black shaved sides and long red hair that was gently laid on his face. "How long did it take you to dye that?" Nico clicked his tongue in disgust. "Dye? Dunno what that means. My hair s' natural~!" He proudly said. And before anything else slipped through his lips, he suddenly stopped. New York.... "What the hell?!" He shouted in shock. The tall buildings and rushing cars. Justin stared at him. "What?" "W-w-where are the carriages?! And and the little shops and what is THAT?!" He pointed to the cell phone in Carol's hand. "Cell phone, you're acting like a weirdo." It rang, a simple tune flew through the speakers. Right then, the captain grabbed it and threw it as far as he could; crashing into the ground into little pieces. "No way! That was my phone!!!" "Yeah! Dude, c'mon!" Justin backed up his sister. Nico huffed hands shaking. Too engrossed into everything to pay attention. "Oooooh...." Justin nodded, "You must be from one of those pla--What are you doing?!" Nico was in the street, bent over to grab a quarter. A car, red flashed near him. Carol yelled, "Idiot!! Move! No!" Nico grabbed it, and right as the car was about to hit him, he jumped up, landing on the top of it then off. He walked to them and showed the quarter. "Look! A silver coin! Let's go buy somethin', yeah? C'mon!" Carol leaned over to Justin, "He does know its just twenty-five cents...right?"