Translate   12 years ago

The Fight Nancy Stapp who doesn't like me because I'm friends with her "baby daddy" and has been beefing with me over Facebook since I met Ian maybe five months ago. Tonight, I was out with friends at Arabian Nights (a hookah bar) and she was outside. I wasn't tripping about her because she was gonna beat this girl Maddy (who I hate). But when she didn't fight Maddy, Nancy started on my ass. She started yelling at me about me being ratchet and saying my boobs were ugly and I was hella stupid. I just stood there and took it. I looked away and kept praying she wouldn't hit me. I knew it might happen but I was in shock so I just stood there. Then she grabbed my shoulder and tried to get me heated. I just moved and then she kept grabbing my jaw and throat. I tired to nudge her away because I knew I couldn't push her with her being pregnant. I could feel her thumb on my throat press harder and harder. Luckily this girl Kyra, who I thought didn't like me, pulled me out and walked me around the corner. At first I got scared of her too but then she held my hand and reassured me we were cool. She held me all the way around the corner and then the tears formed. I started realizing what just happened and felt a sick in my stomach. I felt nauseous and walked to a tree and dry heaved for a good ten minutes. Nothing but spit would come out. After I could finally breathe, I sat down on a bench and hugged Kyra goodbye. I sat there with my hands covering my face bent over. I silently cried my eyes out. Everything in me was hurting and shaking. I've never been yelled at like that nor grabbed and choked. Ian (you're old best friend) came over and noticed I was upset. He held out his hand and said we're leaving. While we were walking he out his arms around me and kissed my cheek. Holding his hand and being held by him was exactly what I needed to stop crying. I felt safe and loved even if he wasn't my boyfriend. This is you typing it not even two guys after.

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