Translate   12 years ago

Him what is love? I mean really, in movies love is the most romantic thing in the world where the boy meets the girl and at that very moment they know they've found the one. but we all know love like that is nothing but a fantasy. real love is the ones that start off as perfect strangers, then months later turns into a friendship, then learning that friendship has a burning flame, u realize this person has become ur other half, ur bestfriend, ur heart, ur soul. I finally found him. That goofy boy that always had a perfect white smile on his face, the one that would bring out the better in me. The one that would change me from my bad and lonely ways. This boy, this very special boy changed me, he taught me how to be myself again, he showed me how to love and made me realize it is possible to be so deeply inlove with someone. I can never thank him enough from walking into my #life, he saved me.

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