übersetzen   11 Jahre

Inside Chaos Outside Normal Inside my body there is a fight going on between my logical head and my emotional head... See I suffer from PSTD and Anxiety disorder, it's been a hard fight. The piece of sunshine in this fight is I don't suffer #depression anymore. In may 2011 I found my big brother who had committed suicide I was 25. After this I became broken, shattered, in one morning I lost my best friend, my confidant, my protector, the person who I was supposed laugh about our childhood and our memories with when we became grandparents, the man who was supposed to walk me down the aisle on my happiest day of my #life. My beautiful 29 year old brother decided that he had done his #life work and left us. Leaving me to find him. It's taken me two years to find the strength to write this out, to cry in front of my wonderful and understanding boyfriend. This is the start of my battle with the same mental health issues that my brother fought...

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