Call It Fate, Call It Karma-Chapter2 AU: I wanted Julian to be 25 in this fanfic so the year is 2003, okay? Okay. *** I woke up about noon next day with a strong headache, lying on the couch. "Oh my god, that's why I hate being drunk," I murmured to myself angrily. Ashley was still sleeping. Yeah, we share a flat with Ashley for 2 years. Walking to the kitchen, I realized how hungry I was. Oh, was I craving for some cereal right now. However, opening the fridge was nothing but a disappointment to me: no cereals. I sighed, cursing my damn stupid #life, took painkillers, got dressed and left home to buy some cereal for breakfast. By the time I arrived the supermarket, I was feeling better. I walked to the cereal shelf and took one box of Ashley's favorite. Then, with an unexpected, mocking voice, I blenched. "Look who we've got here! Isn't it the drunk and furious lady from last night?" I turned my back to face him and his flawless appearance. He had his cocky smile on his lips and he seemed to be a bit sleepy. "Oh, shut up, I'm not furious." I murmured. "If you say so." He said simply. "How's your head, I assume it's aching?" "Well, thanks for your concern, I'm okay." I spat. Oh God, he was so annoying! I just wanted to bitch slap him. "Wow, I believe you should think about the 'furious' part again." He grinned. Then he reached for a handshake. "I'm Julian." He said. I shook his hand. "Amy." "Nice to meet you Amy. So, you live around here?" "Yeah, just turn the corner and my house is there." "Oh, that's cool." He replied. I shrugged. "I gotta go now..." "Yeah, yeah, sure. It was a great coincidence to meet you here Amy." He smiled. "Yeah, I guess?" I said and he chuckled. "Can I get your number Amy? In case we won't have another beautiful coincidence?" He asked. "My number? Oh, yes, my number...sure, sure..." I stuttered and gave him my number. Well, he could be annoying but he was cute as fuck so....yeah, he deserved the number. "I'll see you around then, huh?" He said and left. I bought the cereal and went back home. *** When I got back home, Ashley were still asleep. Quietly, I put my cereal into a bowl and added some milk. While eating, my mind was busy with thinking about the boy from last night and this morning, Julian. He asked for my number. Why did he asked my number? Did he like me? Or does he only want to be friends? But he's so cocky and annoying and at the same time attractive... "Good morning!" said Ashley, pulling me back to earth. "Good morning!" I replied her, smiling. "Oh you bought cereals? Because we ran out of cereals." "Yeah, your favorites." I answered her, showing the cartoon box. I knew this would make her happy. "You're the one, you know that, right?" "Of course." I laughed. "Guess who did I see at the supermarket." I asked her with a full mouth of cereals. "Let's see..." She tapped her chin while thinking. "One of your ex-boyfriends?" "Nope." "One of my ex-boyfriends?" "Nope, nope." "Our high school math teacher? You used to have a crush on him." She giggled. "Oh shut the fuck up, no!" "Then who? I don't have another idea." "You remember last night properly, right?" "Yes, I do I guess..." "Okay, the boy who found me fainted, remember?" "Oh, you saw him? Did he say something? What did he do?" She started questioning me. While I was narrating her out little conversation she widened her eyes in disbelief. "What?" I asked her. "Did you just say his name is Julian?" "Yeah, so?" "I told you he was familiar from somewhere, I found where!" she screamed excitedly. "Well?" I asked raising my eyebrows. She ran to her room to take her laptop and ran back again to where I was waiting her, kitchen. "Look!" She said, opening a tab and entering Google. She typed the name "Julian Casablancas" and searched for it. The results were...him! "Julian Casablancas asked for your number! Julian fucking Casablancas. Lead singer of The Strokes!!!" "Wow, that's cool." "Cool? This is awesome!" she protested. I shrugged. "I guess he's still a normal person, a bit annoying maybe." "Oh you're unbelievable Amy! I would lose my mind if I were your state, I mean, look at him, he's so cool, he's a rock star, he has thousands of fans, they're calling him a 'sex god' and he asked for your number? I guess you should be pretty amazed. This is not an everyday thing." I couldn't find what to say so just shrugged. Ashley shook her head in a shocked way and started murmuring to herself "this girl is an utter weirdo." I laughed and she carried doing this until she finished her cereal. *** 2 days passed and I continued my dull #life. As I expected, he didn't call me. So I did not make a big deal of it. Until the morning I had this really good and sweet sleep, there was nothing to do that day and I was still sleeping around 2 pm. Yeah, I'm a koala actually. When my phone ringed beside me, I cursed to the caller who woke me up from the best sleep ever and checked the clock, 2:30 pm. Wow, nice timing! I answered the call. "Hello?" I said sleepily. "Is it Amy?" Said a raspy male voice...just like Julian's?! "Yeah, it's me?" "I'm Julian, remember?" He laughed. "I guess I woke you, huh?" "You did." "Sorry, but this means you've already missed half of the day. Whatever, I was going to ask if you'd like to watch a movie and do some stuff? The lads I share my house with are gone for today and I am bored. So I thought I could call you?" He said in a cool and cocky voice. I thought there was nothing to do and to be honest, I was excited because of his call. I didn't expect him to call like I said. "Umm...I guess I'd like to..." I said. "Good, I give you 30 minutes to wake up and get ready and then I'll pick you up from your house, okay?" "Yeah, 30 minutes, okay." I answered him. "See you Amy." He said. "See you Julian." I replied. He chuckled and hung up on the phone. I sat straight in my bed. Was this some kind of date? What was I supposed to wear? Why was I excited? I decided on my hoodies and jeans. I put my hair into a pony tail and started waiting. I wasn't trying to impress him, he was not my type. I just wanted to be comfortable. I didn't care if he was a rock star or not which he did not mention about it. 15 minutes later, I heard a knock on the door and opened it to see a "t-shirt on a jean" dressed Julian. I was glad I choose those jeans and hoodie. "Hey." He greeted me, smiling. "Hey." "You look nice." "Well...thanks." I blushed and I'm sure he noticed it. "Wanna go?" He pointed out the car outside. I nodded and he led me to his car, opened the door for me and waited till I get it. Then he got in too and started driving. He stopped after a 10 minutes drive. His house was...well...huge. Perks of being a rock star, eh? When he opened the door I gasped. You either had to have so much money to buy a house like this or be a rock star. Yeah, you know what I mean. "Cool!" "Thanks." He chuckled. "Who decorated this place? She has some taste in decorating." "Actually, I did." He said, biting his lip. "No way." I protested. He shrugged. "I love decorating. It's important. In the end, you live in here." He replied. I raised my eyebrows. "So, movie?" "Sounds good." "You choose one from there," he pointed the big, big, really big screened television. "And I'll grab some beer, yeah?" "Beer? Like, right now?" "Why not? I always drink." He said, opening his arms. "Oh come on, I don't have an intend to make you drunk..." He said. "Actually, I'd never do this. Alcohol makes you super aggressive, I don't wanna lose one of my limbs or something." He said mockingly. "Ha ha. Funny." I folded my arms on my chest. Dick. "Amy, just a beer, okay? To feel a little bit more comfortable." "Okay," I gave up. "Just one beer." "That's it." He said and left me alone to get the beers. I walked to the television and tried to choose a movie. It wasn't easy, there were like, hundreds of movies. "You wanna help?" said a voice behind me. I turned to see him, holding two bottles of Heineken and smiling like a child. "I couldn't choose, you have a wide collection." "Let's see... Do you like comedy or romance or action or horror...umm... I don't know...choose a category." "Oh, I love horror movies." "Okay, choose one you haven't watched." He said. I chose one and handed to him. "Yup, let's watch this then." *** 30 minutes passed and the shit got scary, I must admit. I felt myself tensed but at the same time beer was loosening me up. We were sitting separately enough to each other when that weird, scary ghost came out from the back of the lead actor. I screamed a little and Julian threw his arm over me, pulling me near himself, patting my shoulder. "Scary, eh?" He said, raising his eyebrows. I nodded. "It's okay, I'm here to protect you." He said, laughing. I didn't say anything and we continued watching the movie, with his arm hanging down my shoulder. I could sense when something scary came, he was pulling me towards him as if he was trying to comfort me. When the movie ended, we were pretty close, like, really close, cuddling-close. I looked up him and saw him smiling to me. He winked then. "What do you wanna do now?" I shrugged. "You want another beer? I feel like another beer." "No!" I spat. "Okay, okay, calm down. Alcohol made you furious again." He murmured. "I'll just go and get another beer for myself and what can I get to you? Coffee? Tea? Coke? Milk? Wait, we don't have milk." He said, mockingly. Oh, he could be so annoying when he wanted. "I'll get a coffee, please." I said. "Ooookay, how do you like it?" "I'll prepare it, if that's okay with you?" "Yeah, why not?" He said and led me to the kitchen. "So, Julian," I said while preparing my coffee. "How many guys do you live here?" He was standing next to me with his back leaning against the counter, holding his beer bottle. I could say he was looking really cool. "Five." He answered. "We get along well, it's fun to live with people you like." I nodded. "Since when?" "Oh, let's see...we've been living together since 2000. Yeah, almost 3 years." "That's really cool." I replied. He chuckled and ruffled his hair. "My coffee is ready!" "Good. Whatya wanna do now? Are you hungry? Cause I am." "A bit actually..." I said. "Let's see what we've got then, eh?" He announced and opened the fridge. "Oh," he murmured looking at the empty fridge. Boys. "It looks like we've got nothing but beers." he said, scratching his neck. "How come I never noticed this?" He talked to himself. "Would you like some pizza? We can order pizza." "I love pizza, yeah, that'd be nice." I said, feeling a sudden hunger. "You know what, I feel so good today, I'm gonna order some more beer too." "Julian!" I shouted. "Calm down champion, just a joke!" he said raising his hands. "Well I'm not laughing!" I spat. He winked and got his phone out of his back pocket. "I'll order them and come, you don't have to wait here." He said. "Okay, I'll be in the living room." I said and left the kitchen. 3 minutes later, he came with his beer in his hands. "Again?" I asked, raising my eyebrows. "I love beer." he shrugged. "Tell me about yourself, come on." he sat next to me. "Umm...I don't know. What should I say?" "Start from the beginning, a quick summary of you please." he demanded with a big smile. "Okay." I inhaled. "I'm Amy, I'm 22, I'm currently studying psychology," "You're going to become a psychologist? Wow, cool! I want a free check-up when you get there." He smirked. "Yeah yeah, you wait." I answered him laughing. "Anyways, I love music, I love playing the piano, I read, I draw... Yeah, that's basically me." "You're an artist!" "I love art." "That's nice." He murmured. "So, what kind of music do you especially enjoy?" He asked, sipping his beer. "Anything good, classy music, you know? I don't like those cheap pop songs. I don't like those head fucking electronic songs. But I don't like metal music either... Or rap, I don't like rap at all." I tapped my chin. "I guess I love indie music or alternative. Rock maybe?" "You've got some taste in music then." He said, pointing me. "Your turn." "Okay but I have to smoke first. Is that okay with you? If it annoys you I could just go outside and smo..." "No, no, it's totally okay, I smoke too." I smiled. "I'll get you one then..." He got up and stretched. Leaving the room to get a cigarette, he was whistling some random song. "Oh fuck this, not again!" He shouted from a room out there. Then, about 5 seconds later, a really pissed looking Julian came up. "What's wrong Julian?" "That bastard stole my cigarettes again!" He said angrily. "Who?" "Fab, Fabrizio." He sighed. "I always fucking tell him to get his own cigarettes but he never does." "It's okay, I guess I have some, come here." I smiled him reassuringly. Wow, boy, he was really pissed. "Yeah? Okay, that's good." He sat down next to me. After searching for my cigarettes in my bag, I pulled one for me and Julian from the pack. "Here you go." I handed him the cigarette, smiling. "Oh, you're a angel." he sighed. "Is it okay to smoke here? I mean, does the smell annoys any of you guys?" "No, no, we all smoke." "Okay." I shrugged and lit my cigarette. Then he lit his and leaned against the sofa with happiness. "Come on, I've told you about myself." "Oh right, yeah. I'm Julian, I'm 25, I'm currently studying nothing." He said. I laughed. "Did you even finish the school?" I asked mockingly. "" he answered and laughed too. "I love music too and singing," he continued. Oh, sure you do, you're a rock star babe. "And I love beer, as you can see too. I love drinking, you know? It kinda makes me happy." He said grinning. I wondered if he was going to mention about his band and super duper rock star #life but no, he didn't. He never mentioned it. Then the doorbell rang. "Oh pizza!" He shouted and ran to the door with his beer one hand and cigarette in his other hand. I laughed after him and inhaled on my cigarette. After paying for them, he returned with the pizzas, with the biggest grin ever. "Yayy, breakfast!" I cheered. "Yayy, dinner!" He replied. *** Julian ate more than a whole pizza. I swear, this boys is like a velociraptor. "Now I get it why you ordered 3 pizzas. Your capacity is army's capacity." "I know, right?" He laughed, sipping his beer. "I love pizza." He said, opening his arms. I laughed too. How could he be super cute when he was a total dick? I guess I was staring at him, cause he snapped his fingers in front of me. "Impressed, huh?" He said, grinning. "Yeah, whatever." I replied. He winked. We kept talking and hours flew. When I checked outside from the window, it was dark. How the hell could time fly so fast? "Julian, thanks for everything, I really enjoyed it but I gotta go now..." I said, unwillingly. "I had a really good time." He saluted me. I laughed. I guess he was a bit drunk, after all those beer. If I counted right, he drank 4 bottles. "I'll drop you home, wait here and I'll get my keys." He stood up. "No, no, no, oh god, no," I panicked. "You're drunk Julian, you can't drive like this, I'll get a cab." "Huh, that was funny." He pointed me. "You are funny. I'm okay, I won't let you go home alone." "It's alright, really. I can by myself." "Nope." He shook his head. "Okay, let's walk then." He held my hand and led me to the door. Maybe fresh air could sober him up. We got outside and started walking. "Where are your friends?" I asked him. "They're intervi...oh, umm.... They had a meeting with a men, they're looking for a job." He tried to cover his mistake. Hmm, interviewing. Yup, they were total rock stars. But why was Julian trying to cover this? "Nice, good luck then." I replied. "I'll buy a pack of cigarettes from there if that's okay with you?" He pointed the little market across the street. "Yeah, sure, let's go!" I said and we crossed the street. He bought his cigarettes and opened the pack. "You want some?" He asked?" "No, not now, thank you." I replied. He lit a cigarette and inhaled deeply on it. "You're better now?" "Yeah, my head's not spinning anymore, thanks to the fresh air." He said, smiling. "Good." I replied. We kept walking and after a bit, we were standing at my door. "Thank you Julian." I said. "My pleasure." He said. "I'll see you around, yeah? We could go outside or something?" "Yeah, I'd love that." I smiled. He smiled too. Then, he leaned towards me and kissed my cheek. "Good night, don't miss me way too much." He said and left. I watched him till he disappeared at the corner. Well, that was a good day, he was so fun, way more than I expected. And he was cute too. Not the jerk I met at the club. I realized I was looking forward for our next meeting...or it was a date? I didn't know. I shrugged to myself, changing to my pyjamas. Then I had a real good sleep.

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