Translate   12 years ago

Apologies Mixing the dark and the light. Be it in day or night. I apologise Making thoughts more than real. Writing about the things I feel I can only apologise. Living in a dream of day Hoping the world can change. Foolishness. I can only apologise. Taking the time to ride on the wave of time. To think and discover ideas old and woven through the fabric of mans desires. For this I do not apologise. There is a balance between thought and fate There is a balance between #life and death Ease of thought is heavens bait. Query lies at the gates of Hell. All because somebody bad stole my wedding bell. Ah well, the dark lord awaits. Meeting me at the gates. To turn my mind to hate and steal my soul. A game we play, with quiet refrain. On his face I see the strain For my soul is mine, Simple in the flames.

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