Brand New Love *Chapter 6* Our breathing stopped simultaneously, just seconds before we were enjoying an intimate moment, now we were seconds away from being caught. I put my hand over my mouth, not moving a muscle, Max's whole body stiffened, "Max....Evelyn... Are you down here?"... I moved my head to Max's earlobe and whispered "we have to answer her, she's not going to go away" max breathed out through his nose a long breathy sigh, and removed his hand which was still on me....there. He pushed me up slowly and in one movement silently exited the chair, he then stood up, rearranged his erection and silently exited the lab holding my hand. Woah... A lot just happened in the last 20 minutes, my head still dizzy from all the excitement, if I'm honest I didn't care if we got caught, if word got out then that'll just make our relationship official, and we wouldn't just be highly sexually charged teenagers. Max called out for Ellie, realising he still had hold of my hand he dismissed it, like a piece of rubbish, I felt a pang of sadness deep within me, Ellie came out from behind the healthcare counter "Ah there you are, just wondered how the suncare was coming on?" "It's going fine, Eve has completed one section already, thanks to my teaching skills" max declared, "I'll let you get back to it then", with that Ellie strode towards the door and exited, me and max were alone again in the darkness. I was too embarrassed about the topic of dismissing my hand, I stood there silently not making eye contact with him, but I felt his eyes on me. He sighed "your going to be bad for business, it's lucky she didn't look at the suncare shelves, we should be at least half way through it by now, come on" he walked past me and I followed, he was making it out that it was all my fault, that I was the problem our job wasn't near enough finished, when he came on to me. I picked up the planogram paperwork and continued working in complete silence. At lunchtime me and Josie went out to get a sandwich, we sat on the bench where I had sat the day I filled in my application form to work at Simpsons, "So how did it go?...." Josie asked just before she bit into her ham sandwich, she was digging for info, "Mind blowing" she studied me carefully as I started to blush, "what's got you all ruffled?" She asked as she lent in further to hear better, I proceeded to tell Josie about the incredibly hot sensual moment between me and max when he rang his hands down my arms, "Oohh" Josie sighed a little too erotically, "continue..." I moved on to explain about the explosive orgasm I had whilst on his lap in the photo lab, she sat opposite me mouth and eyes wide, and cleared her throat with a quiet cough "well you certainly had an exhausting morning at work", she smiled cheekily back at me, "I shouldn't ask this because we've been friends forever, but do you promise not to tell anyone and especially not Ellie?", she looked sympathetically at me "of course, cross my heart and hope to die.... So what happened next", "well then Ellie walked in calling us" Josie's mouth dropped, she almost let go the half a sandwich she had in her hand, "did she catch you?", "what? NO!" I laughed "we stopped our....uh And went to find her", "that was a close one" Josie breathed out, "thing is before we saw Ellie, max was holding my hand as soon as he realised what he was doing he dropped it , it felt awful" I looked at the ground "he just doesn't want to get caught" Josie explained "but what if he's using me for...well playtime" I sighed, "I can think of worse things the male race has done, enjoy it, this is what you wanted since you clapped eyes on him, just go with the moment and see where it takes you" We finished our lunch and headed back to Simpsons, An alternative pharmacist hadn't shown up so we were still closed for the afternoon, Ellie had told me and max to continue with the suncare on the shopfloor, you could cut the tension between us with a knife,max piped up and it broke the ice a little, "sorry about earlier" he whispered , "for what?" I asked back, he shrugged "i didn't wanna get caught" Well done Mr Obvious... I stared straight ahead at the shelves in front of me, concentrating too hard on a bottle of sun cream. Why is he treating this like such a dirty little secret? After a few minutes silence max pipes up "we need to get more stock from upstairs... Are you coming?" He starts bounding towards the door at the back of the shop,long legs strong and confident. I follow him with a stock cart,keeping my head down moping like some love sick puppy, he holds open the door for me gesturing with his hand to enter, I stop the cart outside the stock lift, and push the call button, I turn around to find Max has been stood behind me I almost head butt his chest, I bring myself to look into his deep eyes... Oh he really is so beautiful... He brings his hands up to meet my face and embraces me in a hard and rushed kiss.