Motherfigure. Looked at me with love in her smile. 02 - Time alive. She made me feel special. Taking me in her arms with a gracious hug that shows her passion and determination to raise me to grow and be anything she wants me to be. 06 - Time Alive 13 Now. There is those days. Where parents frustrate you, annoy you, you feel along, crying in your room with your head under a pillow. Silent sobbing. She's been through this she knows. Just talk. She misses the first time you held her, she wants it back, give it to her, just give her a hug, before its to late. Some time in the future... And she's gone. You will have so many regrets. Why didn't I? I should've. You just need to understand that she's looking down at you, remembering that first moments. Your fingers wrapped round her one figure and that smile. In her honor. You can't help but repeat it. In her honor, because she is your mother figure. And you love her. No matter what.

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