The Challenge I had the worst idea... The worst idea being that I decided to talk to my fiancée clearly about how I feel. It was hopeless, I think he felt attacked when all I was trying to do was to figure out what is wrong for him to be acting up with me. The verdict? Bad idea, I just came to find out I have so many faults, every fault he has, I came to find out I have double... I feel drained now, disappointed and I totally gave up... We are not ready for the big step at all.. It was weird the feeling I had was of emptiness... Beat that... I'm so disappointed I don't see any way to improve this crap, he sees too much negative in me (that's what I see) whereas he justified it as he loves me so much to the point he can deal with anything.. I will not talk to him about anything anymore.. I will be quiet little me.. Busy and tired.. Lets see how many days I can go with this goal.. I just want to make futile talk, let's see what happens...

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