Translate   12 years ago

Undeterred British Girl In light of, No, despite of, My recent College rejection. I've changed my mind, I think you'll find, I'm just as good as your selection. I won't give up, Even when in a rut, For I will persevere it seems. They can put me down, they don't run the town, I will pick myself up by all means. I don't need their help, Nor anyone's heartfelt, I can get into College all on my own. I've wrote my essays, My extracurric list stays, My honor list will help them be shown. I've booked my ACT retake, I'll get better than my 28, And then results day they will all see. I'll do the common application, Don't need a financial aid demonstration, Because all I need to get into Wellesley is ME #Wellesley #College #InternationalStudent #America #TooManyHashtags

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