I'm Terrified In terrified Not by the ghouls Nor the ghost But by the wounded soul Imprisoned by the darkness Like a king without a crown Tainted heart in the towers Wounded by the Clash of dreams and reality I'm terrified A revolution made by the wicked Stalking in the dark Waiting to be found I'm also terrified By the screaming souls in the night Spinning a thread a round my heart Gasping for air in the water But I'm still terrified By the soul that hauls me to you Ushering me away To the darkness I despise it The felling that make my soul trembling even when I fall asleep It gave me creep During the hailing night That keep me company To the#moonand the stars That cannot gave me senses of serenity You tied my heart with a string Then you burn it like its a raw meat You ate it whole Not thinking about the consequences. It was not worth it What are you doing thy moon You sitting up in the sky Radiating light that just not enough To soften the darkness The rain was pounding At the window Begging to be let in And I stood in front of you Waiting for you to tell me " I'm also terrified"

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