Translate   12 years ago

Electric Blue Blood: Part 3 I listened at the top of the stairs as the stranger and Grandma talked. She always befriends people who are nice to her. Grandpa Scott sat at his favorite chair, reading the paper. He calls me down and he gives me a pair of sissors. Our favorite activity with the paper is after when he is done reading, we cut out our favorite news stories and put them in scrapbooks. We have many scrapbooks on different occasions. After a while, I looked up knowing something was wrong. I didn't know what. But the difference was eerie. Grandma Sarah was scared about something. Then she screamed and passed out. Grandpa Scott and I came out to get Grandma, but as soon as I came in, a blow went to my head and blacked out not knowing who was it. ******* I looked outside and saw footsteps leading out into the dark. I looked and saw Grandpa slumped in his lawn chair. I felt his pulse and then knew he was okay. I then had a feeling where the footsteps came from. I turned and left for the mysterious crash sight.

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