Translate   12 years ago

Passion Of Jesus In the garden Jesus was praying he said father pleas move this cup above me let it be done not mine then Satan came and satan said who are who is your father then she brung a snack Jesus face had blood on is he got up and step on the snack then went to Peter John james he said Peter wake up judas came with army then Jesus Said who are you looking for Jesus of Nazareth I'm he judas came to him and said hail the rabbi then kiss him on his cheek then Peter cut a person ear off then it was a fight James John run and judas Jesus said Peter put it down the person that live by the sword shall die by the sword Then Jesus pick up his ear then put it back to gather then they take him to Pilate then Pilate said what did you do Jesus jesus said have to be died then Pilate said then you are a Jew then Pilate said take him roman the they were beating him he was naked they were punching him then a roman put the thorn On him the he was standing and people make fun of him then he was holding the cross some people was laughing at him some were cry saying let Him go he the Messiah the they finale got there the Jesus put the cross down and said mom magdalene were are you and said mom I'm sorry that I'm a bad son then the roman lade him on the cross he said father stay with me then the nail drive in he scream he said loud my god why have yo forsaken me He said come and take my spirit then he said it a accomplish it a accomplish then he died THE END

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