Translate   11 years ago

Jemima laughed, tearing up, she sat down and her chest caved steeply in her chest. Only a year it had been since the death had grabbed her husband. Perfect they were together, laughed, finished each others sentences (when told what to say earlier) she really had loved him, too much for words to describe, he had been her and she him. Sharing that one magical day together was the icing on the cake, she came back to reality by hard knocks on the window. "Miss Harleston!" Bildy shouted "Yes Bildy," she sighed, unlatching her window. "Your windows are finished," he said proudly beckoning to the clean windows below them She felt like saying, was that too much for a note and pen. Instead she painted a fake smile apon her face and said " thank you, there beautiful!" Bildy smiled before closing the window, he waved as he lowered himself down. Jemima looked upon her grounds, she let the public children play on it, she trusted them almost as much as her own children, anne and Mary, who would share there cats with the children, dress them up and use them as babies in there prams, the cats didnt tend to mind, they would fall asleep and enjoy the light sun that would caress there backs.

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