перевести   13 лет назад

New Beginnings So uhh...yeah...this should be fun My name is Akira Inugami, I'm 18, living in London, currently at college studying some sciences and stuffs and this is just a quick introduction -I like comics...a lot -I like video games...a lot -I skate -I consider myself as a bit of a photographer -I like to draw, mostly cartoons and shit but I do get all artsy fartsy sometimes -I own a Pegasus and his name is Mr Pegasus but sometimes I like to call him Roger -My real name is not Akira Inugami and I don't intend to reveal it :P So yeah I'm gonna start blogging on this, if anyone has a tumblr you guys can follow me at www.pegasus-piss.tumblr.com I try to blog on tumblr as much as possible but I never really get much blogging done :S

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