Tradurre   12 anni fa

Fairy tales VS Reality Your strong arms catch me when I fall, You swiftly take me to the ball. We dance to music all night long, Our feet are carried by the song. Our lips are shocked with electricity, When I'm kissing your I'm on ecstasy. You run your hands through my hair, You kiss my skin that is so fair. My Prince Charming make love to me, Take me to a room where no one can see. Kiss my skin down my chest, Hold me like you know me best. Lift me on the bed so high, Your breath is warm I could die. A gasp of air reaches my lips, What happens next is a total eclipse. I can feel you now your big and warm, The tingling danced around in a swarm. But let's face reality and you will see, All is not what you thought it to be. I am a prostitute and im getting paid, You are a boy ad your getting laid.

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