My #life In A Story Part 1/4 "Your dawg is useless! Just look at er!" Said my 1st owners best mate. My 1st owner replied, "Ye, don't know why e got er. Lets kick footballs at er." So they did. How could I stop them? I'm a dog remember. That's your question to answer. Anyway, back to my #life story. I yelped and whined at the sheer pain of the footballs. Then, the male dog my 1st owner had strutted up to me. My 1st owner and his best mate stopped kicking the footballs. "Awwww, he loves er. Lets make em breed." They said. Then, the balls kept coming as the male dog strutted away. This is part 1/4. This story is not 100% true but they did breed me and my owners think they kicked footballs at me.

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