Translate   12 years ago

Secret Of Mona Lisa Not a story. This information was from The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown, some in my own words. Choose to believe it or not. I honestly don't mind. It isn't my claim. The background of the Mona Lisa is uneven- Da Vinci painted the horizon line on the left significantly lower than on the right. Subsequently she appears larger from the left. Historically, the concepts of male & female have assigned sides- left is female, & right is male. Because Da Vinci was a fan of feminine principles, he made Mona Lisa look more majestic from the left than the right. Leonardo Da Vinci was a homosexual, but he was in tune with the balance between the two genders (perhaps a more religious feminism?). He believed that a human soul could not be enlightened unless it had both male & female elements. The belief is shared among the Priory of Sion. The Mona Lisa is neither male nor female. It carries a subtle message of androgyny. It is (supposed to be) a fusing of both. Here's what may be evidence: Amon is the ancient Egyptian god of masculine fertility (represented as a man with a ram's head, & his promiscuity & curved horns are related to the modern sexual slang "horny"). His counterpart was Isis, the goddess of feminine fertility. Her ancient pictogram was once L'ISA. Fused with Amon, the name is Amon L'ISA Mona Lisa is an anagram of the divine union between male & female. What do you think? Please comment questions or reactions or just...comments. Yeah. Um, okay, I'll just leave now...

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