Translate   12 years ago

Diary: My Brother Maurice All you read in this Opuss has been copied accurately, directly from my old diary. Ends when I say Stop. Starting from: Now. 100% Insult Entry - Maurice 21:44 Month:2 Date:19 2010 Friday Maurice is: Gay= homersexual* Stupid A heshe Part Alien Faceless (he/she wears a mask) Fat A UFO (unidentified fat object) How clever he thinks he is: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ How clever he really is: 100% Insult Entry - Maurice continued 20:32 Month:3 Date:10 2010 Wednesday Maurice is worse. He thinks he is SOOO CLEVER! So what, he's not at all. He is as brainless as nothing (not even air) LOL Stop. *No I'm not homophobic. I am completely up for same-sex marriage but I didn't really respect their concept then. And I can now spell homosexual. Like if you feel the same for a sibling. I don't want to be the only one

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