Translate   12 years ago

Introversion Is Not A Bad Thing When I discovered I was an introvert, I thought this was a huge problem. Why? Introverts are outnumbered by extroverts in this world and since we hate unwanted attention, some of us just try to blend in and pretend we are extroverts. I never pointed it out directly before but I am part of the some who just wants to blend and fit in. Another reason why I thought introversion was a bad thing is because of the people who destroys its name. They all seem to think that introverts are odd because they don't socialize. The truth is introverts DO socialize and talk but they need energy to recharge after by being alone. We are odd but that is only because the greater half of the world are extroverts who don't fully understand us. Someone is considered odd when that someone is not alike to the others who is a part of the greater half of a population. Isn't that what people think? We are odd but in a good way. We are different and unique. We are special. We should embrace it and learn to love it, not despise it. Extroversion is not a bad thing neither is introversion. They are just two unique things a person can be. Remember that extroverts are special too. They are great too. Because everyone in this world, no exceptions, is amazing the way they are. Do not let this things that acts as classifications stop or destroy your friendship. A friendship between an introvert and an extrovert is the same friendship everyone experienced, yearns and treasures. Remember not to yearn to be someone who you are not. Do not even try to be an extrovert when you are an introvert or an introvert when you are an extrovert. Just pride yourself on who you are but remember not to pride too much.

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