The Tattooed Girl Preface Meeting one person can change your #life... everyone was born for a reason, and everyone’s reason is different some more important than others. Some to stop the word having a terrible end. People were born to help people, one group of people are called the Protectors and here is the story of Megan The Protector I can’t sleep I’m terrified. Too many thoughts in my head. Tomorrow it starts again. Great. Drama, girls that are completely in love with themselves, big-headed boys; that’s just what I need when im totally different to everyone else. Im not bothered about the new season of The Vampire Diaries or The Wanteds new single. I like being on my own, you have probably already guessed I don’t have many friends, starting school in the middle of a term as well, this isn’t going to go well. I can’t keep friends as I move around a lot because of my dad, he works all around the world, I moved in with my mum about a week ago. Mum and dad divorced when I was younger; they got married young the usual. I just got sick of travelling I wanted to stay in school finish my exams and maybe become a doctor, I don’t know, I haven’t really thought of my future, it scares me a little bit… I just know that if I do okay in school that will open a few doors for me, I guess. Chapter One The Meeting I pulled up at the school in my black Audi TT; I could see people looking at me they all must have known I was someone new. Im too scared to get out; I ran my hand down my long brown hair, moving the untidy strands behind my ear, my slammed my hands on the wheel and forced myself out of the car. I don’t think I have walked this fast before in my #life. I walked up to the office it was quite easy to see. Huge glass windows, a blue sign above the door saying Bridgewell High School. I stood at desk feeling my heart get faster, I was starting to get nervous. A short blonde hair lady stared at me, her hard deep voice said "Where are your papers" I reached into my bag to find the paper work. I handed it her as fast as I could; her big black eyes scanned the papers. She gave a sheet of paper with room numbers on it, I looked back at her expecting her to say something before I left the room, but her eyes stared at the door. I pulled the door opened and school started. After searching the corridors I found my class. I was late but I found it. I knocked on the door... “Hello” A quiet voice said, a walked in “oh hello you must be Meg, my names Miss Evanns” she pointed to the seat in the corner. “This term class the person you are sat with will be your partner for the ten week project” I turned my head towards my partner. “Hey, I’m Meg” I smiled and waited for his reply. He nodded without evening looking at me; I could hear the whole class was discussing what they were going to do over the next ten weeks. Time was going so slow he was just staring at one spot on the wall. “Hmm, so what’s your na...” As I was finishing my sentence the bell rung, I was glad to get out of there. The awkwardness was too much for me.

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