Translate   12 years ago

The Golden Sun Prologue The floor gave way as soon as Dr.Pedro Hanson had laid his foot on it. He stumbled, falling then landing badly on his leg. As an Archeologist, he had set off on a great adventure to find a lost Mayan artifact known as "The Golden Sun". He had encountered many problems during the way there. Most formidably, the mosquitos, many cases of malaria have arisen around the time he had gotten to the temple. Dr.Hanson swatted away a mosquito, then looked a his injured leg. It was broken with a bit of bone sticking out of the skin. He winced when he looked at it; he couldn't believe how painful it actually was. He ripped off a piece of cloth from his sleeve, then wrapped it tightly around his leg. That should keep it still Dr.Hanson thought. A sound of a deep growl made the archeologist turn around. He opened his mouth in a silenced scream. Then disappeared without a trace.

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