Translate   12 years ago

Eternal Atlas Where is the disconnect? You say that I don't understand. That I'm closed off. You get angry and funnel your wrath towards me. Am I not what you wanted? Was I not forged, through months of being broken down, to be your savior? You say that not everyone can be as "hard" as me. Whatever that means. I only know that if there's a threat, a problem, that I must attack it and win. Going straight for its throat before it spreads. Do you not think that I feel fear? I can assure you that I do. Every day. If this was for me, I would have hung up my boots long ago. I press onward for you. Because I won't let myself break. Because I can take it. I told you once... That I was scared. That the things I've had to do still haunt me. I saw the cold look in your eyes as you told me I should have expected it. How, in God's name, can a 19 year old kid expect THAT? But it doesn't matter now. Does it? Just know that... While I stand strong and defiant... I have a cold ache inside. It's a lonely #life. Nobody will ever quite understand this type of pain. I've learned not to expect them to. This is just the way it has to be. These memories are mine. These scars are mine. This burden is mine... Because I can take it. I will hold you up for as long as you need. Atlas... Eternal.

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