Translate   12 years ago

Roots From My Feet I stood at the top of the hill and scanned the fields below. This is the land of sun and dreams. I belong here in this eternal tranquility. I am ill fitted for the city #life where the fields are a thing from stories and yards are minuscule. I grew up playing in the woods, running through fields, digging in the earth. This is my habitat, my long lost love. You can put me in a pretty dress and curl my hair but I will always have dirt under my nails. You can pull me from my garden but you can't pull the roots from my feet. You can force me to look at you but you can't pull my head from the clouds. I can take you to a place where the stars shine so bright you'll think you've never seen them clearly before. I was born to tend these lands just as my father before me, his mother before him. I roamed these hills and hollers as soon as I learned to walk and I will continue to do so until I cannot walk. I will watch the sun rise from my hill top reprieve. I will watch the sun set with my love beside me. This is my fate and I accept it with open arms.

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