Call It Fate, Call It Karma- Chapter 1 Hello, I'm Amy and this is the story of me, my pathetic #life and the ultimate rock star, Julian Casablancas. *** "Happy birthday Amy!" yelled Ashley, my best friend. She pulled me into a huge hug as I hugged her back. "I love you so much!" "Thanks Ashley, I love you too." I said with a big smile. "So, where will be celebrating at?" "I'm not quite sure if we should go out, you know, we could just stay home and watch a movie and..." "What?! No fucking way girl! You're 22 now, we definitely should celebrate!" She shouted. "There's this new club, 'x-plode', how about we go there and have a few drinks and maybe we could meet some really hot boys...or only boys, I dunno... Oh c'mon Amy, live a little!" She begged and pouted. "Okay, okay, I don't have the ability to argue with you... A little fun could be nice." I gave up. "But we should not drink that much, especially you." I laughed as I remembered the last time Ashley got drunk. "I won't drool over the first guy I see, I promise." She pouted again. "Oh, I hope so." I laughed again. *** "Why didn't you get dressed? We're leaving in 5 minutes!" Ashley screamed. "That's my outfit for tonight." I said pointing my jeans and hoodie. "You've got to be kidding me. That's a oh-no-boys pajama, not an 'I'm so getting laid tonight' dress... I can't go in public with you if you leave this house like this. No. Not in a million years...and what about the boys?! You don't have a single chance like this, nah! Come here, I'll make you get dressed properly." She claimed and dragged me back to my room. *** 15 minutes later, I was dressed in a black, strapless mini dress and black high heels by Ashley. Then, she let my curly brown hair fall and applied a bit make up. I felt like I was way too dressed to kill but Ashley seemed super duper happy with the result. "Girl, I'd fuck you!" She said whistling. "Wow, thanks." I murmured. "Oh my good god, why are you so beautiful?" she murmured excitedly. "Let's go!" *** It was way too crowded. I mean, even for a night club. I could see girls grinding boys on the dance floor, probably 90 % of them drunk. Over the bar, there were people having shots and shouting to each other over the extremely loud music. I felt Ashley dragging me to the bar. "Two shots please." She said to the bartender. And we started drinking. On my 4th shot, I noticed a boy, eyeing me with a curious look in his eyes. I couldn't see him properly because of the shitty light but he was wearing a black leather jacket and black skinny jeans. Oh, you've got some taste in clothes sir. "What're you staring at Amy?" yelled Ashley over the music. "Umm..nothing, I just...nothing." I replied and then I continued drinking. Next time I looked for the boy again, he was gone. 10 minutes later, I was feeling quite dizzy and a bit weird. Oh yeah, I was drunk again. Not like a "fuck me, I'm drunk" state but drunk enough. I needed to wash my face. After telling Ashley that I was going to was my face, I started walking or let's say, tried to walk between the sea of people. It was really hot out there and I felt myself sweating a little. When I finally found a little less crowded place, I leaned against the walls to calm myself down. I was feeling like I needed to throw out and my head was spinning. Then, my vision got blurred and I felt myself hitting the floor. *** I found myself in the arms of a stranger, still in the night club. "Hey, what're you doing, leave me!" I struggled. When he looked down to look at me, I realized it was the boy at the bar, eyeing me. I could see him properly this time and oh god, he was like a Greek god. He chuckled a little. "I saw you on the floor, fainted. I dunno, it looked like you needed a hand right there." "Well thanks, but I can walk myself." I said angrily. "No you can't. You're drunk love." He chuckled again and started walking. "I will just hand you to your friend safely, okay?" "Yeah, I guess." I muttered. He was so cocky and annoying but attractive at the same time. "Good then." He grinned. Finally, I saw Ashley looking like a scared little girl and when she finally saw me, she screamed. The boy left me gently on the floor. "Oh my god, what happened!? I was so worried about you! I looked for you at the bathroom but couldn't see and...wait, who are you? Did he do something to you Amy?!" She asked when she saw the boy behind me. "I'm sorry, I just found her lying on the floor and I brought her to you. I think you two should go home now, good night ladies." He said and got disappeared in the crowd. "Wow, he's hot!.....however he seems so familiar, I don't know...." Ashley said. "Yeah, whatever, lets go home, I don't feel well." I said and we left the club.

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