Translate   12 years ago

Slender Pt 2: Discovery My eyes adjusted quickly to the dark. The#moonwas covered by cloud & the air was cold, wet & foggy. I found a flashlight in my pocket & switched it on. There were trees around, & I was in a field. I thought I could see the silhouette of a cabin up ahead. 'Great,' I thought. 'Maybe I can look for help." I walked cautiously towards it. I strode steadily & arrived in two minutes. The cabin was two storeys high, made entirely out of wood. It had a somewhat intimidating appearance- none of the lights were on. I peered inside one of the windows. There was furniture, but hell, were they old. An aged maroon sofa had holes in the fabric, the carpet had dark stains in it & the wall itself looked damp & mouldy. I thought I saw a telephone on the far wall so I knocked on the door. To my amazement, the door swung open to my slightest touch. I found my way to the room I looked in but to my dismay the object was not a phone- it was a piece of paper. I trod towards it eagerly. Scratched onto it in black ink was "LEAVE ME ALONE". I felt a chill right down to my core. Was this one of the pages I was supposed to find? Was the message for me? I pocketed it. Instinct told me it was the right thing to do. No sooner had I done so, the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. I was being watched. I spun around fearfully. Out of the window, in the distance, was the large silhouette of a humanoid figure. He stood right at the edge of the land, & dramatically lit by moonlight. He was standing alarmingly still. 'Strange,' I thought. 'How was he so tall? His arms are really long too.' Suddenly my vision started to cloud over, glitching my view. I cast my eyes down & it stopped. 'Trick of the light,' I assumed. And that figure? It must have been a scarecrow. But if it was there all along, wouldn't I have seem him while coming here? I looked back on him, & took an involuntary step backward. It was larger. Closer. It had moved. My eyes glitched for a second time, much quicker. I looked away again, heart pounding, & ran in the opposite direction, out the rickety back door, into the copse, as fast as I could. It wasn't a scarecrow.

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