çevirmek   12 yıllar önce

LaLaLaLaLaLaLa more ideas invading my mind plz stop for a day My stomach hurts from all the good food an i groan. Letting my head fall in to my arms, "Wanna go now?" Niall groans, both of us stuffed full from our eating contest. With my voice muffled by my arm, "I say its a tie." But Niall smirks, "Never." ,and eats 2 more fries. "Ahhh,shiiit." A weird feeling comes up to my throat,and i feel my eyes widen. "Shit!" I slap my hand over my mouth a run,jumping over tables and knocking chairs over as well as people. Biting my tongue as hard as i can a burst in to the girls washroom, and stumble in to a stall. Vomit stings my throat,and i close my eyes,not wanting to see it. Yes, i know. A trained spy not wanting to see puke but is fine with blood. One girl pulls my hair back, "Shhh,calm down." Her voice calms me down and after minutes pass by my stomach also calms down. "Whats your name?" Now i get it,she's speaking french the language my mom spoke to calm me down. "Serenity,Serenity Star..You?" She muffles a laugh. "Bernadette, Bernadette Livia people just call me Adette..." "That's pretty." Careful she hands me some toilet paper. "Here,and after i got some Juicy Fruit that you can use." Slowly i wipe my mouth,an with Adette's help i stand up. She hands me a piece of Juicy Fruit, "Thanks! This is my favourite kind." The only sound you can hear is the toilet flushing,and i walk to the counter beside her. "I'm a mess!!!" My hair is messy and my eyes are all weird,my clothes have crumbs on them. Taking my hair down i put it in a high but neat pony tail,and adjust my clothes wiping all the crumbs away. I end up splashing my face a few times,and getting my phone out. Together both of us link arms and walk out of the bathroom. Once i out i turn to her, "Wanna exchange numbers??", in reply she pulls out her phone and hands it to me. "A blackberry, Nice!" Most people have iPhones like me but a Blackberry can withstand more, so i still like them. After i put in my number and make my name: Miss.NinjaSpy ,i hand it back to her. At the same time as she gives me mine back. Looking i see myslef get a text..from...AdetteThePrincess....A laugh escapes my lips. "Oh shit I'm sorry i didn't mean to laugh!!" But she just starts to laugh, and her laugh is like a little girl giggling. Not being able to help it i join her. "Its fine. But why did you laugh??" "I don't even know!! It sort of just happened!!" "Serenity!" My head snaps around to see the boys all getting up,aww were leaving. Uhhh what to do what to do....But i don't want to go home!! Adette is more fun then 5 boys!! "Aww thanks!!" With wide eyes i look at her "..did i..just...aloud...all that??" Nodding her head she gives me a hug..."I gotta go too..See ya soon!!" Pouting i drag my self over there and pick my bench jacket up...and shrug it on liking the feeling of the black material. Hurrying i catch up with the boys and link arms with Liam and Niall, who is looking at me weird. "Whaaaaaaaaaat???" I like to drag things so i do it with my words. "Nothing." Shit i hate being 5'3!!! Nobody takes you seriously!! As we head out we're met by flashes if light and screaming girls. All the boys look at me funny as i freeze in spot. For 3 months after my family died...all that happened was paparazzi...even when i was sleeping!!!! In the end i was so scared i got scared of them and to this day i'm still terrified. I don't even like having my picture taken. Muttering words to myself i look at my feet as we walk to the car, faster then normal. But at that moment, the girls and paparazzi decide to break the boundaries...and i feel hands on my back. Shit...usually i would move and get away but I'm terrified beyond belief. "Slut!" "You whore why are you takin my man?!?" "Get the fuck away from my man you stinking whore!!" "Go kill yourself!!!" "I bet her family doesn't even want her!!!" Bunches of girls start to scream insults about my family,and my bravo breaks down. Like before i go down into a ball crying,hoping that they would leave. I sit on the ground hugging my legs, trying to zone out from all the bad things they are saying. "Look the little slut is crying why doesn't she dance on her pole to cheer herself up??" Almost everyone snickers as i bite my lip and slam my hands over my ears. Closing my eyes i feel the heels of girls,and some girls grab my hair,but i stay in a ball on the ground. With my hands over my ears and eyes closed,my nose can smell all the perfume and it scrunches up. "Serenity,calm down. Im going to get you out of here. Its Bernadette. She gently pulls me up and grabs my phone, she texts the boys to go home,and slides it in to her jacket. Shouting a few comments and punching some girls and makes it out o the crowd to her car. All this time she has been practically hugging me and I'm grabbing on to her for dear #life. Once she opens the passenger door i jump in to it and lock the door then curl in to a ball again. In french i hear Adette whisper encouraging words,but i still cry. Still terrified of everything. Opening my mouth i speak french, "Are we there yet?" Its barely above a whisper but she still hears me. Looking at her i take her figure in. Shes tan,with long light brown hair down to the middle of her back, a nice figure, big crystal blue eyes, a small nise and mouth. Along with long legs, and long fingers. She wears a green neon t-shirt, a pair of denim shorts, and greek like sandals on her feet. Her car is a silver jeep with no roof at the moment. My breath is still shaky as ever because once I'm out there I'm out there forever. Closing my eyes again i let tears soak my cheeks some more. My phone rings off the hook but i don't answer. Some time later,my head starts to hurt,and i let a groan out whispering curse words in french. A house catches my attention, and Adette pulls in to the driveway. Its a 2 storey house,white all around with blue trimmings,and i wrap around porch. Pretty roses are in the garden and vines are crawling up on the right side of the house,letting it stand out. Still scared shitless i wait until Adette opens my door,and i scurry behind her,spying on everything behind her hair. Slowly she moves around to reach the front door, letting a frustrated sigh out. More tears form in my eyes, i knew it. She thinks I'm a burden,and doesn't want me anymore. I must of given her a sign cuz she turns around. "No i don't, your a wonderful person, i just cant believe that people would do that to you. Come on lets go inside." Whoops must've said that aloud. Fumbling with her keys i scan every blade of grass to make sure no paparazzi are around. A click of a lock lets me know we are inside,and i push past her,heading straight in to.....the living room. Taking 3 seconds to pick a hiding spot i hide behind the tv which is backed up in to a corner. With some space behind it i sit on wires of all kind, pink, red, black, blue, white, yellow, orange.....okay maybe the last two were lie but it is colourful. Memories of the 3 months come in to view. One time i was at my parents grave crying cuz i misses them an they swarmed me. Another was i was at the park,talking with some people and they were acting nice. Then out if nowhere they got cameras out,and started to ask me questions about everything. From where my parents died to the academy i was swarmed 24/7!!! So now im a little bit claustrophobic and really scared of big crowds,all crowds in general really.

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