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See?!?! Loudly Zayn sighs but takes his shirt off,letting me see his 6 pack of abs. He opens the sun roof and stands. "Harry is the best person ever!!!" This time i burst like a dam and fall off the seat laughing ,but keep looking at Zayns 6 pack. "Look!! Holiday is staring at Zayn!!" Aw shit!! My head ducks down and i let my hair cover up my blush, "Shes blushing!!! Omg shes blushing!!!!" Noise erupts and i just stare at my lap,silently laughing. "Ummm,Holiday." Zayns smooth voice reaches my ears, and i look up a little bit. He has his shirt on again thank god,so i don't further embarrass myself,but sadly i cant see his 6 pack only the out line. Lifting my head higher i brush my hair behind my left ear,so i can hear better. "Truth or Dare??" Just to annoy them I'm picking, "Truth." He frowns,but about 3 seconds later his face lights up,and he stares at me. "List your crushes of us,favourite to least and explain why." Eyeing all of the boys,i smile. "Zayn, Louis, Niall, Harry, Liam. Zayn first because 1: He is a 'bad boy'.2i love his accent. 3 i think over all he is really cute-wait i mean ummm," Zayns looking proud,but I'm gonna cut his ego down a notch. " and because he's a real big softie,on the inside of course. Louis because 1 he's really childish and funny, 2 because he's really cute, 3 because he is almost never stressed and always happy. Niall: 1 im head over heels for his accent, 2never gets mad, 3 can always cheer you up by singing or by simply understanding how you feel." Zayn looks at me weirdly,Louis is nodding his head trying to not laugh,an Niall is quietly looking out the window. "Harry: 1I love his curls, 2 hes really nice, and 3 his morning voice sounds hot." I choke back laughter,and continue. "Lastly Liam, 1He can keep us in order,2is really cute when he has his puppy face on,3 is a ball of energy put into parent mode at times." At the last word i shrug,and sit back,all the boys are looking at me weirdly. I just let a chuckle escape my lips. "Nail,Truth or Dare??" But he seems zoned out,and i poke him in the rib cage,since he's 2 feet away. Jumping like 1038 feet he turns to me,looking surprised, scared,or even curious?? "Uhhhh,truth cuz im too lazy to do a dare." Not missing a beat i throw him a question i have been waiting to tell him ever since he zoned out. "Whats wrong?? You seem, scared,curious,and surprised...Why is that??" With my power i can feel his heart speed up,and he gets nervous. "I,uhhh,i just don't feel comfortable,like someone was watching us and i was looking out the window. Cuz i thought someone was out there." Shit. "And ummm, i just sort of zoned out thinking....ya.." My phone buzzes,and i pull it out of my back pocket. 'Caller ID Unknown',no one knows this number except for some people.Usually only SN's can get it. Careful i click the answer button an bring it up to my left ear. "Hello??" "Hello. My name is Drexton,and right now you should be scared. Your little Niall seems intent on finding me. All the boys seem nervous,is there a reason for that??" I can feel my face pale and i look around the limo,like i can find him. "Why have you called?" "Well, Derek should call in about 1 minute, try anything and the boys will get it." A faint click echoes in my ears. Shit just got real. Again my phone buzzes and this tome its Derek. "Dere-" "Someone has been tracking you,going through all your texts and phone calls. Throw it away, their right behind you. I will buy you a new one." Wow talk about being in a rush!! "Are you sure?! But you checked the phone 2 days ago!!!" Has he called you?" "Ya,ummm said that his name is Drexton,and i shouldn't try anything..." Where are you headed??" "Umm privet airport,going to New York." "Good. Throw that phone away right now,he's going to threaten you again if you don't. Gotta go,Stay safe. Oh!! Even says he misses you and for you to stay safe." A small smile lands on my lips. "Tell him that i miss him too. But also tell him that he is the trouble maker. Ahhh shit gotta go!! Heading into a tunnel!! Bye!" Quickly i disconnect and stare at my phone. Where to ditch it??where to ditch it?? Wind messes my hair up,wait wind,hes following us. Turning in my seat i watch as my eyes land on a Ranger Rover,black. Shit,the guy is smirking at me,and i can sense 3 guns in his car. Acting on instincts in stand missing the roof and let half my body go out of the car through the sunroof. My hair whips across my face making it hard to see. Its hard to stand up right with the wind battering against my back pushing my forward.Using a bit of magic and lots of anger i throw it at the car,so it hits the windshield. Making a giant spiderweb like pattern. With the glare he gives me i duck back into the car and close the sun roof. Checking my hair,i close my eyes concentrating, "Shit." He is still following us. I stand up, crouching a bit,and walk over to the window separating the driver from us. Opening it i wet my lips with my tongue, "Excuse me?? But can i drive??" The driver looks at me funny, but i close my eyes. I can teleport,but only like 6 feet and my limit is 3 people. A flash illuminates the car,and suddenly I'm in the driver seat,an the driver next to me. He has passed out from the use of magic,but i just smirk. Time to lose this 'Drexton'. Quickly i shift gears and go faster,we were going 90 but i shift up to 110. My hands steer,and weave us through traffic,and i put a spell on is so cops cant track us,or see us. I can see a dirt road up ahead,and i decide to go with the flow. I yank the steering wheel left and the car swings,but stays on the ground. Yells come from the back and with a motion of my hand i close the hatch and seal it,making it sound proof. I bounce a little bit i my seat,and with magic i find new roads,and a way back to the highway. Using an illusion spell i make u invisible while sending a copy of us down to the left while we go right. I even manage to make all the flying dust disappear,an 'Drexton' follows the wrong car. Now i go 120 an in minute we are back on the high way, but slow down before i get on the highway. I need to put me an the driver in our actual spots. Once again i open the hatch,and a flash brightens up the car. Back in my spot i lean against Harry,using magic is using your energy. I used a lot of magic. My eyes start to close and i hear Zayn give a soft chuckle,as i curl up in to a ball. I can feel everyones eyes on me,an i just slightly smirk. Boo-ya!! Just showed them who's boss!!

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