Translate   12 years ago

Surrounded My father sold his store last year, and my whole family has been suffering ever since. He sold it to some weirdo named Cord and now he keeps bothering us. He doesn't get that just because we sold him Bernie's Whitewashers, doesn't mean that he is like my uncle. No joke, he thinks that he is part of our family or something. He'll randomly show up at our house, and acts like he wants to talk for hours. But last time, after he left, I found that there were a few valuable things missing around the house. He just...creeps me out, big time! I 've gone to my last resort now... Emily's house. Now don't get me wrong, I've been friends with Emily for 14 years now, and I love her like a sister.It's just that her family is kinda, well no, really weird. Weird as in they are slightly physco. But thankfully not as weird as Cord. So yes, that was where you could usually find me anytime of the day during the summer and every day after 30 during the school year. But I just had to change that, I mean, I couldn't live surrounded by weirdos. And there was nothing to do but to get out of that little town in Nebraska. So I did. The day I turned 18, I left and never turned back. I moved all the way to Maine. There, I met up with an Aunt of mine and I never regretted moving, ever. Not when the calls started rolling in from my parents, first on my cell, then later on my Aunt's cell, the home phone, all ignored. Not when the news of Cord's arrest made the news, either. The charges? Murder, theft, rape, etc. And you know who the victims were? My family. And it would have been me two if I hadn't left that little town in Nebraska.

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